We Don"t Want A War With Iran - He Said
The Obama Administration has been consistent during their reelection campaign that they didn't want a war with Iran, rather they wanted to use other means first, and that meant economic sanctions.
They said that they wouldn't take anything off the table, but they believed that economic sanctions would work, and that they were pursuing those first.
Well, they've been saying that for four years, and Iran is still enriching uranium to make nuclear weapons, and they have imported missile parts from various countries, so they have short range ICBMs to use as a delivery system.
Despite what Vice President Joe Biden stated at the debates, getting a triggering device isn't going to be very hard for Iran as it is doing a lot of business with China, selling them oil, and quite frankly, it's just not that difficult to build such a triggering device, and besides it doesn't have to be perfect to get a chain reaction going, it just has to be close, and whereas, the yield will be significantly lessened if the trigger device isn't perfect, it will still be a nuclear weapon, so don't kid yourself.
They also have guided missiles which they've got from China, in fact they fired one on Israeli warship during the Hezbollah-Israeli Conflict.
Worse, they used the Lebanon air traffic control system to do it.
Iran has said that economic sanctions were considered an act of war.
Therefore Iran already believes it is at war with the United States, and blames it for the Stuxnet computer worm which infected the computer system at their Bushehr nuclear power plant, which subsequently infected other systems supposedly running their enriching spindles.
Indeed, I would submit to you that we are already at war with Iran, as their intelligence services have infiltrated the Afghan security forces which we've been training, and they've used this infiltration to help assist Afghan security forces firing on Americans, and even helped attack one of our Marine airbases resulting in the loss of late model Hawker Harrier VTOL attack aircraft.
That's pretty much a direct attack.
They may have also had something to do with them Benghazi incident, although that is speculation on my part.
On November 8, 2012 the Wall Street Journal had an interesting article by Julian E Barnes and Jay Solomon titled; "Iran Fired on US Drone before Vote," which noted that the Iranians attempted to shoot down a US predator drone, they fired upon it.
CNN had another article, which appeared on November 9, 2012 by Barbara Starr (a Pentagon Correspondent) "After attack on U.
drone, Iran backs right to defend territory," which is an interesting comment for the Iranians considering that they shot at the drone over Kuwaiti Airspace.
Of course, every nation has the right to defend itself, but this was an offensive move, obviously.
This happened in Kuwaiti airspace, or one might argue international airspace, but that's a stretch.
For some reason the Iranian SU 25 missed.
I'd say that's pretty crappy shooting, although it is difficult to shoot down a slow moving aircraft with a very fast-moving aircraft.
Either it was a warning shot, or it shows that their pilots are not very well trained, and might I submit my opinion here; utterly incompetent fighter pilots.
Nevertheless, this and other attacks show that Iran is already at war with the United States, even if the US voting public didn't have knowledge of that fact yet.
This of course is in sharp contrast with the Obama Administrations policies towards Iran, and it shows that what the US is doing in that regard isn't working.
Something that isn't working, probably won't work in the future either, which is probably why Iran was glad to see that President Obama was reelected rather than his competitor who seems to be much closer allies with Israel than Obama.
Further, I would submit that we don't have to want a war with Iran, that's irrelevant because we are already fighting one on several fronts, even if the Obama Administration is able to keep it out of the media (conveniently before the election).
Please think on this.
They said that they wouldn't take anything off the table, but they believed that economic sanctions would work, and that they were pursuing those first.
Well, they've been saying that for four years, and Iran is still enriching uranium to make nuclear weapons, and they have imported missile parts from various countries, so they have short range ICBMs to use as a delivery system.
Despite what Vice President Joe Biden stated at the debates, getting a triggering device isn't going to be very hard for Iran as it is doing a lot of business with China, selling them oil, and quite frankly, it's just not that difficult to build such a triggering device, and besides it doesn't have to be perfect to get a chain reaction going, it just has to be close, and whereas, the yield will be significantly lessened if the trigger device isn't perfect, it will still be a nuclear weapon, so don't kid yourself.
They also have guided missiles which they've got from China, in fact they fired one on Israeli warship during the Hezbollah-Israeli Conflict.
Worse, they used the Lebanon air traffic control system to do it.
Iran has said that economic sanctions were considered an act of war.
Therefore Iran already believes it is at war with the United States, and blames it for the Stuxnet computer worm which infected the computer system at their Bushehr nuclear power plant, which subsequently infected other systems supposedly running their enriching spindles.
Indeed, I would submit to you that we are already at war with Iran, as their intelligence services have infiltrated the Afghan security forces which we've been training, and they've used this infiltration to help assist Afghan security forces firing on Americans, and even helped attack one of our Marine airbases resulting in the loss of late model Hawker Harrier VTOL attack aircraft.
That's pretty much a direct attack.
They may have also had something to do with them Benghazi incident, although that is speculation on my part.
On November 8, 2012 the Wall Street Journal had an interesting article by Julian E Barnes and Jay Solomon titled; "Iran Fired on US Drone before Vote," which noted that the Iranians attempted to shoot down a US predator drone, they fired upon it.
CNN had another article, which appeared on November 9, 2012 by Barbara Starr (a Pentagon Correspondent) "After attack on U.
drone, Iran backs right to defend territory," which is an interesting comment for the Iranians considering that they shot at the drone over Kuwaiti Airspace.
Of course, every nation has the right to defend itself, but this was an offensive move, obviously.
This happened in Kuwaiti airspace, or one might argue international airspace, but that's a stretch.
For some reason the Iranian SU 25 missed.
I'd say that's pretty crappy shooting, although it is difficult to shoot down a slow moving aircraft with a very fast-moving aircraft.
Either it was a warning shot, or it shows that their pilots are not very well trained, and might I submit my opinion here; utterly incompetent fighter pilots.
Nevertheless, this and other attacks show that Iran is already at war with the United States, even if the US voting public didn't have knowledge of that fact yet.
This of course is in sharp contrast with the Obama Administrations policies towards Iran, and it shows that what the US is doing in that regard isn't working.
Something that isn't working, probably won't work in the future either, which is probably why Iran was glad to see that President Obama was reelected rather than his competitor who seems to be much closer allies with Israel than Obama.
Further, I would submit that we don't have to want a war with Iran, that's irrelevant because we are already fighting one on several fronts, even if the Obama Administration is able to keep it out of the media (conveniently before the election).
Please think on this.