The TSH Thyroid Test: What You Need to Know
Updated October 31, 2014.
If you already been diagnosed with a thyroid problem -- or you suspect you have a thyroid condition are are trying to get diagnosed -- there is almost no way to escape the everpresent TSH test.
TSH is short for Thyroid Stimulating Hormone, and this test is considered by conventional doctors to be the "gold standard" for diagnosing thyroid conditions and overseeing thyroid treatment.
Do you understand the TSH test, what it measures, what the numbers mean, and how it all affects your health?
- For example, check out this quick recap, essentially a crash course on the TSH test. In less than a minute, you'll understand the essentials.
- Many patients write to me to ask a common question: "What should I do if my TSH results are normal but I still have symptoms?".
- Why is your TSH fluctuating so much from one test to the next?
- One thing seems to be a sticking point for many. It's the relationship between TSH levels, and dosages of medication. So, why, when TSH goes up, does the dosage of medicine go UP?
- And when it's time to get the actual blood tests, read my article on optimum time and conditions for TSH tests: what time of day should you test, and should you fast before thyroid tests?
- And what if your TSH is normal? Should you still be treated? Some doctors say yes...that some cases of Hashimoto's should be treated even when the TSH is normal because it can help.
Unfortunately, here we are in 2010, and many doctors still aren't practicing according to these standards. Some are not even aware.The debate rages on, however, and if you care about your thyroid health, you'll want to make sure you're read about "The TSH Reference Range Wars" to discover what's normal, who is wrong, who is right...and what it all means for your health.
Finally, be sure to bookmark the handy chart on key thyroid function tests for your reference.
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