How to Raise Scottish Highland Cattle
- 1). Ensure you have the facilities to raise a herd of Scottish Highland Cattle. If you currently own a ranch and herd cattle, then you know whether you will have enough land to accommodate additional cattle. If not, then you will need to make sure that you have the necessary land to allow for proper grazing for your herd.
- 2). Purchase all of the necessary equipment. Raising Scottish High land cattle is a difficult, expensive, and time consuming occupation, but the financial rewards can be tremendous. Starting out, you will need to make sure that you have the proper equipment (truck, tractor, trailer, barns, and feeding capabilities) to care for your herd.
- 3). Purchase your Scottish Highland Cattle. You can find Scottish Highland breeders online or through your local farm directory. You may wish to start out with a small herd and breed your own calves or you may wish to simply purchase a larger herd and forgo the breeding process altogether. Depending on your startup budget, you can decide whether you wish to purchase an entire herd or purchase a few bulls breed your own herd.
- 4). Care for your herd. Raising a herd of Scottish Highland Cattle is difficult. There are always sick animals to tend to, proper nutrition to maintain, slaughtering and selling of meat to supervise, and replenishing and breeding of the herd to oversee. The best advice is to grow with your herd. You will learn many lessons as you go along and you will grow your knowledge as your herd grows.