Swedish Embassies in the US, UK & Other Countries
If you're looking for a Swedish embassy or consulate, find the location closest to you here on this list of addresses and contact information for Swedish embassies worldwide. Swedish embassies and consulates can assist with Swedish visas and offer several other services related to travel and migration to and from Sweden. Most embassies are open during regular business hours at their individual locations:
- The Embassy of Sweden at 2900 K Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20007. Phone: +1-202-467 2600, Fax: +1 (202) 467 2699. E-mail: ambassaden.washington@foreign.ministry.se
-Western US Consulate - The Consulate General of Sweden at 10940 Wilshire Blvd Suite 700, Los Angeles, CA 90024. Phone: +1 (310) 473-3350, Fax: +1 (310) 473-2229. E-mail: consularinfoLA@foreign.ministry.se
-Eastern US Consulate - The Consulate General of Sweden at One Dag Hammarskjöld Plaza, 885 Second Avenue, 45th floor, New York, NY 10017. Phone: +1 (212) 583 25 50, Fax: +1 (212) 583 25 99. Email: generalkonsulat.new-york@foreign.ministry.se
-If you have business-related inquiries, contact the Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce.
Embassy of Sweden at 377 Dalhousie Street, Ottawa, ON K1N 9N8, Canada. Phone: +1 (613) 244-8200, Fax: +1 (613) 241-2277. E-mail: sweden.ottawa@foreign.ministry.se
In case of an emergency outside office hours concerning a Swedish citizen or Swedish resident. Emergency Phone: +1 (613) 866-8840.
IRELAND: Embassy of Sweden at 3rd fl, Block E Iveagh Court, Harcourt Road, Dublin 2, Ireland. Phone: +353-(0)1-474 4400, Fax: +353-(0)1-474 4450. E-mail: ambassaden.dublin@foreign.ministry.se
FINLAND: Ruotsin suurlähetystö (Swedish Embassy), Pohjoisesplanadi 7 B, 00170 Helsinki, Finland. Mailing address: PL 329, FIN-00171 HELSINKI, Suomi. Phone: +358-(0)9-6877 660, Fax: +358-(0)9-65 52 85. E-mail: ambassaden.helsingfors@foreign.ministry.se
FRANCE: Ambassade de Suède (Swedish Embassy), 17, rue Barbet-de-Jouy, 75007 Paris, France. Phone: +33-(0)1 44 18 88 00, Fax: +33-(0)1 44 18 88 40. E-mail: info@amb-suede.fr
GERMANY: Schwedische Botschaft (Swedish Embassy), Rauchstraße 1, 10787 Berlin, Germany. Phone: 030-50 50 60, Fax: 030-50 50 67 89. E-Mail: ambassaden.berlin@foreign.ministry.se
Consulate General of Sweden in Germany, Alsterufer 15, 20354 Hamburg, Germany. Phone: 040-4501 45-0, Fax: 040-4501 4514. E-mail: generalkonsulat.hamburg@foreign.ministry.se
LATVIA: Zviedrijas vēstniecība Rīgā (Embassy of Sweden in Riga), A. Pumpura ielā 8, LV-1010 Rīgā, Latvia. Phone: +371 768 6600, Fax: +371 768 6601. E-mail: ambassaden.riga@foreign.ministry.se
NORWAY: Sveriges ambassad (Swedish Embassy), Nobels gate 16, 0244 Oslo, Norway. Phone: +47 24 11 42 00, Fax: +47 22 55 15 96. E-mail: ambassaden.oslo@foreign.ministry.se
PORTUGAL & SPAIN: Embaixada da Suécia (Embassy of Sweden), Rua Miguel Lupi 12-2°-Dto 1249-077 LISBOA, Portugal. Phone: +351-213 942 260, Fax: +351-213 942 261. E-mail: emb.suecia.lis@mail.telepac.pt
ROMANIA: The Embassy of Sweden in Romania, Sos. Kiseleff nr 43, Bucharest, Romania. Mailing address: Casuta Postala 63-11, 011837 Bucharest, Romania. Phone: +40-21-406 71 00, Fax: +40-21-406 71 24. E-mail: ambassaden.bukarest@foreign.ministry.se
JAPAN: スウェーデン大使館, 〒106-0032, 東京都港区六本木1-10-3-100. Phone: 03-5562 5050, Fax: 03-5562 9095. E-mail: info@sweden.or.jp
KOREA: Seoul Central Bldg, 12th Fl, 136 Seorin-dong, Chongro-ku, Seoul, Korea. Phone: +82-2-3703-3700, Fax: +82-2-3703-3701/3702. E-mail: embassy@swedemb.or.kr
Various smaller Swedish consulates and honorary consulates exist, but they do not offer the full range of embassy services. They are not included in this list but can be found here if necessary.
•Swedish Embassies and Consulates in the US
- The Embassy of Sweden at 2900 K Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20007. Phone: +1-202-467 2600, Fax: +1 (202) 467 2699. E-mail: ambassaden.washington@foreign.ministry.se
-Western US Consulate - The Consulate General of Sweden at 10940 Wilshire Blvd Suite 700, Los Angeles, CA 90024. Phone: +1 (310) 473-3350, Fax: +1 (310) 473-2229. E-mail: consularinfoLA@foreign.ministry.se
-Eastern US Consulate - The Consulate General of Sweden at One Dag Hammarskjöld Plaza, 885 Second Avenue, 45th floor, New York, NY 10017. Phone: +1 (212) 583 25 50, Fax: +1 (212) 583 25 99. Email: generalkonsulat.new-york@foreign.ministry.se
-If you have business-related inquiries, contact the Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce.
•Swedish Embassies in Canada
Embassy of Sweden at 377 Dalhousie Street, Ottawa, ON K1N 9N8, Canada. Phone: +1 (613) 244-8200, Fax: +1 (613) 241-2277. E-mail: sweden.ottawa@foreign.ministry.se
In case of an emergency outside office hours concerning a Swedish citizen or Swedish resident. Emergency Phone: +1 (613) 866-8840.
•Swedish Embassies in the UK & Ireland
UK: The Embassy of Sweden at 11 Montagu Place, London W1H 2AL, United Kingdom. Phone: 020-7917 6400, Fax: 020-7724 4174. E-mail: ambassaden.london@foreign.ministry.seIRELAND: Embassy of Sweden at 3rd fl, Block E Iveagh Court, Harcourt Road, Dublin 2, Ireland. Phone: +353-(0)1-474 4400, Fax: +353-(0)1-474 4450. E-mail: ambassaden.dublin@foreign.ministry.se
•Swedish Embassies in Europe (A - F)
DENMARK: Sveriges ambassad (Swedish Embassy), Sankt Annæ Plads 15 A, 1250 Köpenhamn K, Danmark. Phone: +45 33 36 03 70, Fax: +45 33 36 03 95. E-mail: ambassaden.kopenhamn@foreign.ministry.seFINLAND: Ruotsin suurlähetystö (Swedish Embassy), Pohjoisesplanadi 7 B, 00170 Helsinki, Finland. Mailing address: PL 329, FIN-00171 HELSINKI, Suomi. Phone: +358-(0)9-6877 660, Fax: +358-(0)9-65 52 85. E-mail: ambassaden.helsingfors@foreign.ministry.se
FRANCE: Ambassade de Suède (Swedish Embassy), 17, rue Barbet-de-Jouy, 75007 Paris, France. Phone: +33-(0)1 44 18 88 00, Fax: +33-(0)1 44 18 88 40. E-mail: info@amb-suede.fr
•Swedish Embassies in Europe (G - N)
GERMANY: Schwedische Botschaft (Swedish Embassy), Rauchstraße 1, 10787 Berlin, Germany. Phone: 030-50 50 60, Fax: 030-50 50 67 89. E-Mail: ambassaden.berlin@foreign.ministry.se
Consulate General of Sweden in Germany, Alsterufer 15, 20354 Hamburg, Germany. Phone: 040-4501 45-0, Fax: 040-4501 4514. E-mail: generalkonsulat.hamburg@foreign.ministry.se
LATVIA: Zviedrijas vēstniecība Rīgā (Embassy of Sweden in Riga), A. Pumpura ielā 8, LV-1010 Rīgā, Latvia. Phone: +371 768 6600, Fax: +371 768 6601. E-mail: ambassaden.riga@foreign.ministry.se
NORWAY: Sveriges ambassad (Swedish Embassy), Nobels gate 16, 0244 Oslo, Norway. Phone: +47 24 11 42 00, Fax: +47 22 55 15 96. E-mail: ambassaden.oslo@foreign.ministry.se
•Swedish Embassies in Europe (P - Z)
POLAND: Embassy of Sweden, ul. Bagatela 3, 00-585 Warsaw, Poland. Phone: +48 22 640 89 00, Fax:+48 22 640 89 83. E-mail: ambassaden.warszawa@foreign.ministry.sePORTUGAL & SPAIN: Embaixada da Suécia (Embassy of Sweden), Rua Miguel Lupi 12-2°-Dto 1249-077 LISBOA, Portugal. Phone: +351-213 942 260, Fax: +351-213 942 261. E-mail: emb.suecia.lis@mail.telepac.pt
ROMANIA: The Embassy of Sweden in Romania, Sos. Kiseleff nr 43, Bucharest, Romania. Mailing address: Casuta Postala 63-11, 011837 Bucharest, Romania. Phone: +40-21-406 71 00, Fax: +40-21-406 71 24. E-mail: ambassaden.bukarest@foreign.ministry.se
•Swedish Embassies in Australia / New Zealand
The Embassy of Sweden at 5 Turrana Street, Yarralumla ACT 2600. Phone: +61-2-6270 2700, Fax: +61-2-6270 2755. E-mail: sweden@iimetro.com.au•Swedish Embassies in Asia
CHINA: Consulate General of Sweden, 1521-1541 Shanghai Central Plaza, 381 Huaihai Road (Middle), Shanghai 200020, P.R. China. Phone: +86-21-5359 9610, Fax: +86-21-5359 96 33. E-mail: generalkonsulat.shanghai@foreign.ministry.seJAPAN: スウェーデン大使館, 〒106-0032, 東京都港区六本木1-10-3-100. Phone: 03-5562 5050, Fax: 03-5562 9095. E-mail: info@sweden.or.jp
KOREA: Seoul Central Bldg, 12th Fl, 136 Seorin-dong, Chongro-ku, Seoul, Korea. Phone: +82-2-3703-3700, Fax: +82-2-3703-3701/3702. E-mail: embassy@swedemb.or.kr
•Swedish Embassies & Consulates Elsewhere
Various smaller Swedish consulates and honorary consulates exist, but they do not offer the full range of embassy services. They are not included in this list but can be found here if necessary.