Rich Jerk Review
The Rich Jerk is, without doubt, one of the most successful campaigns in Internet Marketing history, but is the book actually worth buying - or is it yet another one of those infamous scams that seem to pervade the web? Well, firstly, I think it is fair to say that the book is an interesting read; and, if you are new to the business of Internet Marketing, then this book does explain how to get started in affiliate marketing.
If, on the other hand, you are looking for some secret technique to making money online, then you are probably going to be in for a disappointment.
That's not to say that the book is poor - I actually liked the book - however, there are very many books on the market that deliver at least as well in this respect - if not better.
The Rich Jerk is, however, worth studying, because this fellow certainly does know how to make money online.
That's exactly what he managed to do by creating and successfully marketing, to perfection, yet another ebook on the subject of Internet Marketing.
You would think that quite enough books existed on the subject; and, indeed, much of the information it contains can be obtained freely online from various sources.
What the Jerk did however, was to demonstrate the effectiveness of stepping outside the box in terms of his approach to writing sales copy.
His sales letter has become both loved and hated; his style has been copied many times over; but his results have largely eluded those who have sought to follow.
Why? Because the approach was innovative the first time it was used - and after that it just gradually became stale.
So what then are the lessons of this campaign for the Internet Marketers of the future who want to emulate the kind of success enjoyed by the Jerk? Well, the big lesson to take on board is that innovation is what sold the book - not arrogance; not rudeness; not bravado - but innovation! To emulate that kind of success requires the same kind of off-the-wall thinking.
Amazingly, all the clues concerning how to achieve the same level of success are to be found in that original sales letter - the one that was responsible for the whole Rich Jerk phenomenon.
All you need do is learn how to decode the sales copy.
When you learn to do as the Jerk has done; rather than do as the Jerk says - then you too will become as successful! Nothing he did was difficult; nothing he did was beyond you; nothing is out of your reach.
You just need to open your mind to the message that is right there in front of your eyes.
Once again - do what he did - not what he says! And that, my friend, is the key you have been searching for.
If, on the other hand, you are looking for some secret technique to making money online, then you are probably going to be in for a disappointment.
That's not to say that the book is poor - I actually liked the book - however, there are very many books on the market that deliver at least as well in this respect - if not better.
The Rich Jerk is, however, worth studying, because this fellow certainly does know how to make money online.
That's exactly what he managed to do by creating and successfully marketing, to perfection, yet another ebook on the subject of Internet Marketing.
You would think that quite enough books existed on the subject; and, indeed, much of the information it contains can be obtained freely online from various sources.
What the Jerk did however, was to demonstrate the effectiveness of stepping outside the box in terms of his approach to writing sales copy.
His sales letter has become both loved and hated; his style has been copied many times over; but his results have largely eluded those who have sought to follow.
Why? Because the approach was innovative the first time it was used - and after that it just gradually became stale.
So what then are the lessons of this campaign for the Internet Marketers of the future who want to emulate the kind of success enjoyed by the Jerk? Well, the big lesson to take on board is that innovation is what sold the book - not arrogance; not rudeness; not bravado - but innovation! To emulate that kind of success requires the same kind of off-the-wall thinking.
Amazingly, all the clues concerning how to achieve the same level of success are to be found in that original sales letter - the one that was responsible for the whole Rich Jerk phenomenon.
All you need do is learn how to decode the sales copy.
When you learn to do as the Jerk has done; rather than do as the Jerk says - then you too will become as successful! Nothing he did was difficult; nothing he did was beyond you; nothing is out of your reach.
You just need to open your mind to the message that is right there in front of your eyes.
Once again - do what he did - not what he says! And that, my friend, is the key you have been searching for.