Becoming Financially Free - Successfully Finding Freedom in Financial Life - Possible or Not?
Freedom is doing what you want, when you want, with whom you want, and most importantly, having the resources, both physical and financial, to do so.
In March of 1992, the Network Marketing industry's skyrocketing success served as the lead story for SUCCESS magazine.
It outsold every issue in the 100 year history of the magazine.
So, what was it that many had already figured out and still many more wanted to? The 40/40/40 Plan Since the printing of David Copperfield, society, as we know it, has been stuck in the 40/40/40 paradigm: work 40 hours a week for 40 years in order to then receive 40% of what was not enough to live on during those first 40 years.
Present day society calls this a "retirement plan," and it is the road to poverty.
To follow the plan we need to, first, get a good education; in example, a four year degree which, today, will leave you in so much debt that it will take you, on average, 10 years just to pay it off--assuming, of course, that you make it to step two which is to get a good job with a big company.
Then comes your reward, step three, the Golden Years.
After working (for someone else) for at least 40 hours a week for 40 years, you get to retire.
While this plan seemed to work back in the Fifties, today, your company is more likely to file for bankruptcy than ever make good on its retirement promises.
And even if your 401k has something in it, the ravages of inflation will have decimated its purchasing power, leaving you unable to live, while simply waiting out the inevitable: death.
The Four-Year Career Alternative Is there another way? Can you really work at something for four years and give yourself every thing you want in life for the next 40? Yes, you can.
But most people, stuck in the paradigm, will not.
Not because they couldn't, but because they have been, some would say, purposefully brainwashed into thinking that it is impossible to follow one's dreams and survive.
Yet following one's dreams is the only way to survive.
When we cease to dream, we cease to live.
So, let's look again at the facts.
Loyalty to one job no longer provides security; A four year degree might get you a good job-maybe; The average person today will change jobs 7 to 10 times in his or her lifetime; Because of student loan debt and the costs associated with starting and providing for a family, most adults will be well into their fifties before they can even start to save for retirement.
In March of 1992, the Network Marketing industry's skyrocketing success served as the lead story for SUCCESS magazine.
It outsold every issue in the 100 year history of the magazine.
So, what was it that many had already figured out and still many more wanted to? The 40/40/40 Plan Since the printing of David Copperfield, society, as we know it, has been stuck in the 40/40/40 paradigm: work 40 hours a week for 40 years in order to then receive 40% of what was not enough to live on during those first 40 years.
Present day society calls this a "retirement plan," and it is the road to poverty.
To follow the plan we need to, first, get a good education; in example, a four year degree which, today, will leave you in so much debt that it will take you, on average, 10 years just to pay it off--assuming, of course, that you make it to step two which is to get a good job with a big company.
Then comes your reward, step three, the Golden Years.
After working (for someone else) for at least 40 hours a week for 40 years, you get to retire.
While this plan seemed to work back in the Fifties, today, your company is more likely to file for bankruptcy than ever make good on its retirement promises.
And even if your 401k has something in it, the ravages of inflation will have decimated its purchasing power, leaving you unable to live, while simply waiting out the inevitable: death.
The Four-Year Career Alternative Is there another way? Can you really work at something for four years and give yourself every thing you want in life for the next 40? Yes, you can.
But most people, stuck in the paradigm, will not.
Not because they couldn't, but because they have been, some would say, purposefully brainwashed into thinking that it is impossible to follow one's dreams and survive.
Yet following one's dreams is the only way to survive.
When we cease to dream, we cease to live.
So, let's look again at the facts.
Loyalty to one job no longer provides security; A four year degree might get you a good job-maybe; The average person today will change jobs 7 to 10 times in his or her lifetime; Because of student loan debt and the costs associated with starting and providing for a family, most adults will be well into their fifties before they can even start to save for retirement.