Goa - 2nd Best Competitive State After Maharashtra
A survey conducted by the prestigious business magazine Business world, has ranked Goa as the second most competitive State in the country with a score of 58.
02 just behind Maharashtra which occupies the top position with a score of 58.
38, says a government communique.
The survey on the competitiveness of 27 States in the country defines competitiveness as a measure of productivity in terms of return per rupee invested.
The methodology focuses on four parameters of competitiveness, namely factor conditions which are the natural endowments of the State, demand conditions which reflect income and consumption, strategic context which looks at the diversity of business and supporting conditions which includes institutional support including incentives provided by the State government.
The survey, published in the February 23 2009 issue, rates Goa as No.
1 in terms of strategic conditions which reflects diversity of business, financial parameters which is based on the fact that it has the highest per capita, gross domestic product and strategic conditions which reflects diversity of businesses functioning in Goa.
Goa is ranked No.
2 among the 27 States in the country in respect of natural endowments and in physical infrastructure.
In terms of institutional support Goa is ranked second ahead of Maharashtra which is ranked third and behind Tamil Nadu which is ranked first.
The only parameters in which Goa lacks behind are demographic factors due to its relatively small population and human resources where it is ranked 22nd out of 27 States.
The basis for assessment of human resources is the number of technical graduates turned out every year.
Goa produces only 2,688 engineering graduates every year compared to its much bigger neighbors like Maharashtra and Karnataka which produce 1.
73 lakh graduate engineers and 1.
69 graduate engineers respectively every year.
The survey indicates Goa's capability of becoming among the most developed States in the country, even industrially alongside Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Gujarat, according to the communiqué which has also termed the status of the second most competitive State as an endorsement of Goa's continuing commitment to sustainable development.
02 just behind Maharashtra which occupies the top position with a score of 58.
38, says a government communique.
The survey on the competitiveness of 27 States in the country defines competitiveness as a measure of productivity in terms of return per rupee invested.
The methodology focuses on four parameters of competitiveness, namely factor conditions which are the natural endowments of the State, demand conditions which reflect income and consumption, strategic context which looks at the diversity of business and supporting conditions which includes institutional support including incentives provided by the State government.
The survey, published in the February 23 2009 issue, rates Goa as No.
1 in terms of strategic conditions which reflects diversity of business, financial parameters which is based on the fact that it has the highest per capita, gross domestic product and strategic conditions which reflects diversity of businesses functioning in Goa.
Goa is ranked No.
2 among the 27 States in the country in respect of natural endowments and in physical infrastructure.
In terms of institutional support Goa is ranked second ahead of Maharashtra which is ranked third and behind Tamil Nadu which is ranked first.
The only parameters in which Goa lacks behind are demographic factors due to its relatively small population and human resources where it is ranked 22nd out of 27 States.
The basis for assessment of human resources is the number of technical graduates turned out every year.
Goa produces only 2,688 engineering graduates every year compared to its much bigger neighbors like Maharashtra and Karnataka which produce 1.
73 lakh graduate engineers and 1.
69 graduate engineers respectively every year.
The survey indicates Goa's capability of becoming among the most developed States in the country, even industrially alongside Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Gujarat, according to the communiqué which has also termed the status of the second most competitive State as an endorsement of Goa's continuing commitment to sustainable development.