Anti-Depression Medicine for Cats
- Boredom, illness or pain; loss of an animal or human friend; and moving to a new home can all cause depression in cats.
- Signs of depression in cats include lethargy and lack of interest in life, hiding, aggression and loss of appetite. Depressed cats often stop grooming themselves, and many have a dull or sad look in their eyes.
- Amitriptyline (brand name Elavil) and fluoxetine (brand name Prozac) are two anti-depressant medications commonly prescribed for cats. Amitriptyline's side effects include weight gain, sedation and rapid heart rate. Side effects of Prozac include lethargy, hyperactivity, excessive vocalization and temporary lack of appetite.
- Flower remedies restore an animal's sense of balance and well-being. These homeopathic-like remedies cause no side effects and will not make your cat feel or seem drugged. Health food stores sell Bach Flower Remedies. Others brands, formulated for pets, are available from independent pet supply retailers.
- Homeopathic remedies and herbs can relieve depression in cats. Because they can cause unexpected results, they should be used only under the supervision of a holistic veterinarian.
- Indoor cats can suffer from boredom, which can lead to depression. Leaving some blinds and curtains open so the cat can see outside and putting a bird feeder outside a window can relieve boredom.
Causes of Depression
Signs of Depression
Prescription Anti-Depressant Drugs
Flower Remedies
Other Natural Remedies
Stimulating Environment