Multiple Sclerosis - What is Multiple Sclerosis?
Scientists are still researching the genetic side of Multiple Sclerosis, because certain ethnic groups do and do not get Multiple Sclerosis.
For instance, Eskimos, Gypsies and African Bantu never develop Multiple Sclerosis, and Asians, North and South American natives very rarely get the disease.
There are strong links between family members and Multiple Sclerosis.
The chance of developing Multiple Sclerosis increases greatly if an immediate family member has the disease.
Though researchers know that genetics have a lot to do with Multiple Sclerosis, still other researchers believe that the disease is caused or at lease triggered by environmental factors.
It is possible that patients have the gene that triggers the immune system attack, and that all of this could be caused to begin by an environmental factor taking place.
This theory could account for why certain ethnic groups do and do not get Multiple Sclerosis.
Multiple Sclerosis ranges in severity, from fairly minimal to very debilitating.
There are a variety of treatments for Multiple Sclerosis, including various prescription drugs that have recently been developed.
Though these medicines cannot completely cure Multiple Sclerosis, they do help to minimize the debilitating symptoms that Multiple Sclerosis causes.
Among the most popular of these Multiple Sclerosis treatment drugs are Avonex and Betaseron.
These drugs help patients to have better immune system functioning, and they can lessen the symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis for many years.
For instance, Eskimos, Gypsies and African Bantu never develop Multiple Sclerosis, and Asians, North and South American natives very rarely get the disease.
There are strong links between family members and Multiple Sclerosis.
The chance of developing Multiple Sclerosis increases greatly if an immediate family member has the disease.
Though researchers know that genetics have a lot to do with Multiple Sclerosis, still other researchers believe that the disease is caused or at lease triggered by environmental factors.
It is possible that patients have the gene that triggers the immune system attack, and that all of this could be caused to begin by an environmental factor taking place.
This theory could account for why certain ethnic groups do and do not get Multiple Sclerosis.
Multiple Sclerosis ranges in severity, from fairly minimal to very debilitating.
There are a variety of treatments for Multiple Sclerosis, including various prescription drugs that have recently been developed.
Though these medicines cannot completely cure Multiple Sclerosis, they do help to minimize the debilitating symptoms that Multiple Sclerosis causes.
Among the most popular of these Multiple Sclerosis treatment drugs are Avonex and Betaseron.
These drugs help patients to have better immune system functioning, and they can lessen the symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis for many years.