Common Errors on Internet Explorer
- Internet Explorer users may experience frustration when the Internet browser displays an error code, especially if the error causes them to lose work or data. However, many error codes can give insight into why the problem occurred and how it can be prevented it in the future.
- Internet Explorer may display HTTP status code errors if it cannot display the webpage. There are five classes of status codes that begin with the numbers 1 through 5. Each status code consists of three digits. 4xx describes client (user) errors.
4xx error codes include:
400 Bad File Request denotes inccorect web address syntax such as improper punctuation or capitalization.
401 Unauthorized denotes incorrect credentials (username and password). Users can attempt to access the page with different credentials.
403 Forbidden/Access Denied occurs when the server blocks access. The website owner may have instructed the server to block access to specific files or directories.
404 File Not Found denotes a missing webpage/file. This occurs when another site uses an incorrect link or the user incorrectly enters the website URL. Double check the address.
408 Request Timeout denotes that the the user or user's computer stopped the request before the server could complete it. According to Marc Liron, whom Microsoft has award the Most Valuable Professional (MVP) award for his technical knowledge and community support, the 408 error can occur because the "user will either hit the stop button, close the browser, or click on a link before the page loads." Refresh the page to correct the issue. - Unlike 4xx status codes, 5xx status codes describe errors caused by the server that houses the webpage or file the user wants to access.
5xx errors include:
500 Internal Error denotes a server configuration issue. The error page may instruct the user to contact the website administrator and may provide a contact e-mail as well as additional information about the error.
501 Not Implemented denotes the server's inability to perform the request.
503 Service Unavailable denotes a temporary server status. The server may be overloaded or down for maintenance. - Internet Explorer may display a prompt that alerts the user of a javascript error or display a small triangle with an exclamation point (!) in the status bar at the bottom of the screen.
According to the UpdateXP website, Internet Explorer may display a "52 Runtime Error." This occurs because a javascript cannot find a file it requires. You may be able to solve this issue by clearing your Internet cache.
Javascripts may also experience syntax errors when the website developed has made a mistake when writing the javascript. Website visitors typically cannot fix syntax errors because the website owner must edit the javascript. However, you can look for a way to contact the website owner to alert him or her of the issue.
4xx Errors
5xx Errors
Other Errors