Help For Child With ADHD - How To Raise Happier Well Balanced Children
How can you be sure that your child may have ADHD when the child may just be hyperactive and it is just part of his energetic personality? It could just be a part of growing up or that the child is a little immature and a little bit behind all the other kids. The first thing to do when looking for help for child with ADHD is to get a proper diagnosis.
Why does everybody rush in to pronounce ADHD and not even do a proper diagnosis? Before rushing to the pediatrician's office, you may actually want to see if things improve gradually and if they do, that may well be a sign that it is NOT ADHD, after all. If the disruptive behavior, hyperactivity and inattention persist for more than six months, it may well be time to seek a proper diagnosis.
This is the advice given by Dr William Sears who has written an article on this vexed subject in Parenting magazine. He has suggested that keeping a diary of the main problems and issues as they occur, can help to establish whether there is any improvement or not.
If diagnosis is confirmed, child behavior modification should be the first priority in getting help for a child with ADHD. We can call this by any name we like but unless there is a structured routine, behavior plans with consequences and rewards in place in the family, then all our efforts will be frustrated no matter what medication we may opt for.
Our job is to make sure that these systems are in place and that everyone is signed up to them. We need not expect to see immediate results either and we will have to wait several months to see any light at the end of the tunnel. A great way to start is to make sure that positive behavior always gets noticed and praised, no matter how insignificant.
In seeking help for child with ADHD, many parents are at a loss to know what to do about medication because, let us face it, some kind of medication will be needed to calm the child down and to help them stay on task or focused.
That is why looking for alternatives to psychostimulants is so important. We know that about 50% of parents fervently wish that they did not have to resort to this type of medication.
Are you in that group? If you are and if you really want help for child with ADHD, click through to my website where I have explained what the alternative types of medication are. It is only when we have all the information to hand that we can ever hope to raise happier and well balanced children. You will discover a totally new world which the drug companies will never ever reveal.
Why does everybody rush in to pronounce ADHD and not even do a proper diagnosis? Before rushing to the pediatrician's office, you may actually want to see if things improve gradually and if they do, that may well be a sign that it is NOT ADHD, after all. If the disruptive behavior, hyperactivity and inattention persist for more than six months, it may well be time to seek a proper diagnosis.
This is the advice given by Dr William Sears who has written an article on this vexed subject in Parenting magazine. He has suggested that keeping a diary of the main problems and issues as they occur, can help to establish whether there is any improvement or not.
If diagnosis is confirmed, child behavior modification should be the first priority in getting help for a child with ADHD. We can call this by any name we like but unless there is a structured routine, behavior plans with consequences and rewards in place in the family, then all our efforts will be frustrated no matter what medication we may opt for.
Our job is to make sure that these systems are in place and that everyone is signed up to them. We need not expect to see immediate results either and we will have to wait several months to see any light at the end of the tunnel. A great way to start is to make sure that positive behavior always gets noticed and praised, no matter how insignificant.
In seeking help for child with ADHD, many parents are at a loss to know what to do about medication because, let us face it, some kind of medication will be needed to calm the child down and to help them stay on task or focused.
That is why looking for alternatives to psychostimulants is so important. We know that about 50% of parents fervently wish that they did not have to resort to this type of medication.
Are you in that group? If you are and if you really want help for child with ADHD, click through to my website where I have explained what the alternative types of medication are. It is only when we have all the information to hand that we can ever hope to raise happier and well balanced children. You will discover a totally new world which the drug companies will never ever reveal.