Vacation Hopes Uplifted Honeymoons Resurrected
As the Dow Jones Fell 777 points today I saw many crestfallen faces and future vacation and honeymoon hopes dashed.
I on the other hand looked up and saw an opportunity.
Do not despair, life is not over, we just need to be more prudent with regard to our spending.
By joining a Private Travel Club you can invest in your travel future.
You pay a minimal monthly fee (usually under $40 per month) and have access to absolutely amazing dream trips , some are even all inclusive so you can literally step aboard a cruise ship or step onto an amazing island or spectacular resort and not even bring your wallet drinks, meals, planned excursions, room service etc at your beck and call.
These trips are real and are available to everyone.
We need to live within out budget and become less of a credit society and start paying in cash.
Rest and relaxation or extreme fun and adventure will be even more enjoyable knowing you do not have a credit card bill to pay when you come home.
I'm under the impression that Private Travel Clubs have been around for a while but the rich keep it a secret.
I am always hearing people who came from an exotic or unusual vacation talk about the "great deal they got.
Now Private Travel Clubs such as World Venture Travels are now reaching the masses and it opens the door so all people can afford to travel everyone can be their own travel agent or just select a preplanned "Dreamtrip.
" The cost of a Dreamtrips is usually offered to a Private Travel club at wholesale pricing.
So that is how the rich people can do it..
We all have the right to the "Pursuit of Happiness" let us pay in cash and really live it up.
I on the other hand looked up and saw an opportunity.
Do not despair, life is not over, we just need to be more prudent with regard to our spending.
By joining a Private Travel Club you can invest in your travel future.
You pay a minimal monthly fee (usually under $40 per month) and have access to absolutely amazing dream trips , some are even all inclusive so you can literally step aboard a cruise ship or step onto an amazing island or spectacular resort and not even bring your wallet drinks, meals, planned excursions, room service etc at your beck and call.
These trips are real and are available to everyone.
We need to live within out budget and become less of a credit society and start paying in cash.
Rest and relaxation or extreme fun and adventure will be even more enjoyable knowing you do not have a credit card bill to pay when you come home.
I'm under the impression that Private Travel Clubs have been around for a while but the rich keep it a secret.
I am always hearing people who came from an exotic or unusual vacation talk about the "great deal they got.
Now Private Travel Clubs such as World Venture Travels are now reaching the masses and it opens the door so all people can afford to travel everyone can be their own travel agent or just select a preplanned "Dreamtrip.
" The cost of a Dreamtrips is usually offered to a Private Travel club at wholesale pricing.
So that is how the rich people can do it..
We all have the right to the "Pursuit of Happiness" let us pay in cash and really live it up.