The Dewalt Scroll Saw and the Weekend Hobbiest
The possibilities of making wood crafts and decorations are unlimited, when you have the right tools, and patterns.
Dewalt tools are my preference, for the simple fact that they are dependable and they have a large variety for just about every job imaginable.
When it comes to making crafts and decorations the Dewalt tool I am really impressed with is the scroll saw.
This tool allows you to cut some really detailed designs.
You will need to have a drill on hand so you can make a starter hole for inside cuts.
With this saw you can make wall hangings, clocks, decorations to set on you mantel or entertainment center etc...
Lets go over a couple of these in more detail.
If your wanting to make a wall hanging with your dewalt scroll saw.
First you need to decide on the pattern.
This can be something you drew up yourself or something you purchased.
Second, you need to decide what type wood you want pine, oak, cherry, walnut, etc...
to get the look you prefer.
Third, place you pattern on the surface and trace the design.
After you get it transferred, take your dewalt drill and with a small bit drill holes in the center designs to be cut out.
Now your ready for your dewalt scroll saw.
Loosen the blade adjustment and place the blade through one of the pre-drilled pilot holes and reattach it to the saw and set the blade tension.
Make your cut.
Repeat this step until all your designs are finished.
Sand it down add a little varnish and your done.
You can also glue some colored felt on the back to really bring out the artwork.
Ifyou want to make a clock with your dewalt scroll saw.
First you need to get a battery operated clock assembly.
Your local craft store should be able to help you with this.
Transfer your design just like with the wall hanging.
But, before you drill the pilot holes you need to add in the place for your clock fixture.
Make sure you place it in your design where it will have enough wood to hold it solid.
Make your cuts, do the finish work, add the clock assembly and you have just made yourself a hand crafted clock.
For making a mantle it is basically the same as the wall hanging, just leave a flat spot on the bottom of your design.
Cut out a platform and take your dewalt router and put a contoured edge around the top and glue your designed piece in the center.
And you have a mantle piece.
I suggest sticking with single piece designs until you get the feel of your dewalt scroll saw.
Then you can move on to multiple piece designs that need to be glued together.
But with a little practice, the possibilities of things you can make with this dewalt tool is unlimited.
Dewalt tools are my preference, for the simple fact that they are dependable and they have a large variety for just about every job imaginable.
When it comes to making crafts and decorations the Dewalt tool I am really impressed with is the scroll saw.
This tool allows you to cut some really detailed designs.
You will need to have a drill on hand so you can make a starter hole for inside cuts.
With this saw you can make wall hangings, clocks, decorations to set on you mantel or entertainment center etc...
Lets go over a couple of these in more detail.
If your wanting to make a wall hanging with your dewalt scroll saw.
First you need to decide on the pattern.
This can be something you drew up yourself or something you purchased.
Second, you need to decide what type wood you want pine, oak, cherry, walnut, etc...
to get the look you prefer.
Third, place you pattern on the surface and trace the design.
After you get it transferred, take your dewalt drill and with a small bit drill holes in the center designs to be cut out.
Now your ready for your dewalt scroll saw.
Loosen the blade adjustment and place the blade through one of the pre-drilled pilot holes and reattach it to the saw and set the blade tension.
Make your cut.
Repeat this step until all your designs are finished.
Sand it down add a little varnish and your done.
You can also glue some colored felt on the back to really bring out the artwork.
Ifyou want to make a clock with your dewalt scroll saw.
First you need to get a battery operated clock assembly.
Your local craft store should be able to help you with this.
Transfer your design just like with the wall hanging.
But, before you drill the pilot holes you need to add in the place for your clock fixture.
Make sure you place it in your design where it will have enough wood to hold it solid.
Make your cuts, do the finish work, add the clock assembly and you have just made yourself a hand crafted clock.
For making a mantle it is basically the same as the wall hanging, just leave a flat spot on the bottom of your design.
Cut out a platform and take your dewalt router and put a contoured edge around the top and glue your designed piece in the center.
And you have a mantle piece.
I suggest sticking with single piece designs until you get the feel of your dewalt scroll saw.
Then you can move on to multiple piece designs that need to be glued together.
But with a little practice, the possibilities of things you can make with this dewalt tool is unlimited.