Do You Need a Solution? They Do
I laugh when listening to mainstream marketing companies go on and on about branding and demographics.
On the web, e-commerce really has a heart beat which is essentially ONE concept and only one.
You HAVE to embrace and solve the needs of your prospects, PROVIDE solutions.
This is such a vital aspect of what your priorities should be, that you should be beginning every day and conference with, "What is it that my audience needs? How are their needs changing? How I am meeting their needs now and compared to other?" If you are unable to answer these questions, then you have just found your revenue generating problems, you are off the path to profits and need to refocus.
The thing about e-commerce, is that there are two types of folks who could potentially purchase from you.
They are online to shop, or just online.
A person who doesn't like to go to the stores, and has a birthday, holiday, repair, or business need, is almost a guaranteed sale for you, as long as you are efficiently meeting their need(s).
A person who jumped online to check their e-mail, and read a little bit of the news, would have to be literally swept off their feet, or pick-pocketed to get their dollars to be spent.
Before you decide on name for your business, or choose your domain name, you should be focused on finding the needs of your prospects.
Trust me when I tell you, that you will just end up RE-doing all of that anyways.
Once you find what the audience needs, and how to solve that for them, all of your plans will change, including the names you want to see.
You first step is to identify the single word that best describes your business.
If you want to open an online travel site, the word is "travel.
" If you want to sell candle wax, strings, melting pots etc.
, then that one word would be CANDLES, so pick the one word that describes you and your business most effectively.
Taking your one word, you want to use a Word Tracker program.
With a word-tracker, you are going to do a keyword analysis.
You will do an analysis for "candles", or "mortgage", or "Investing" by entering the word in a provided form, then watching the program kick out every keyword phrase that incorporates the keyword you select, which has been typed into a meta search engine in the last 60 days.
Did you hear me? It is going to report to you the exact phrases used by your prospects to find something related to your business.
Each of those keyword phrases represents a need your prospect has regarding travel.
Let's say you are making a foot wear or shoes business.
Then after you do the keyword analysis using the phrase "shoes", you find that there have been tons of searches for boots for winter, or new Air Jordans.
Your prospects are literally telling you the subject that your site should focus on.
Instead of wasting time and money on the wrong area, you know where to go to pull in customers.
Your domain name, advertising, and search engine optimization should all be focused on the keywords you identify for your area of interest.
Of all the available and claimed strategies for online e-commerce, there is one that always works.
Identify the needs of your prospects and provide solutions to them, THAT is the solution to more revenue.
Kinda funny huh, providing solutions to others, is the solution to your problem.
On the web, e-commerce really has a heart beat which is essentially ONE concept and only one.
You HAVE to embrace and solve the needs of your prospects, PROVIDE solutions.
This is such a vital aspect of what your priorities should be, that you should be beginning every day and conference with, "What is it that my audience needs? How are their needs changing? How I am meeting their needs now and compared to other?" If you are unable to answer these questions, then you have just found your revenue generating problems, you are off the path to profits and need to refocus.
The thing about e-commerce, is that there are two types of folks who could potentially purchase from you.
They are online to shop, or just online.
A person who doesn't like to go to the stores, and has a birthday, holiday, repair, or business need, is almost a guaranteed sale for you, as long as you are efficiently meeting their need(s).
A person who jumped online to check their e-mail, and read a little bit of the news, would have to be literally swept off their feet, or pick-pocketed to get their dollars to be spent.
Before you decide on name for your business, or choose your domain name, you should be focused on finding the needs of your prospects.
Trust me when I tell you, that you will just end up RE-doing all of that anyways.
Once you find what the audience needs, and how to solve that for them, all of your plans will change, including the names you want to see.
You first step is to identify the single word that best describes your business.
If you want to open an online travel site, the word is "travel.
" If you want to sell candle wax, strings, melting pots etc.
, then that one word would be CANDLES, so pick the one word that describes you and your business most effectively.
Taking your one word, you want to use a Word Tracker program.
With a word-tracker, you are going to do a keyword analysis.
You will do an analysis for "candles", or "mortgage", or "Investing" by entering the word in a provided form, then watching the program kick out every keyword phrase that incorporates the keyword you select, which has been typed into a meta search engine in the last 60 days.
Did you hear me? It is going to report to you the exact phrases used by your prospects to find something related to your business.
Each of those keyword phrases represents a need your prospect has regarding travel.
Let's say you are making a foot wear or shoes business.
Then after you do the keyword analysis using the phrase "shoes", you find that there have been tons of searches for boots for winter, or new Air Jordans.
Your prospects are literally telling you the subject that your site should focus on.
Instead of wasting time and money on the wrong area, you know where to go to pull in customers.
Your domain name, advertising, and search engine optimization should all be focused on the keywords you identify for your area of interest.
Of all the available and claimed strategies for online e-commerce, there is one that always works.
Identify the needs of your prospects and provide solutions to them, THAT is the solution to more revenue.
Kinda funny huh, providing solutions to others, is the solution to your problem.