Saving Money - 15 Ways to Be More Frugal
The New Year is always a good time to look at where you are financially and make some goals for the upcoming year.
Here are a few tips on ways that you can save a few extra pennies, and ultimately a significant amount of money.
To curb impulse buys, create a 30-day list.
When you want to buy something, other than a true necessity (medicine or food, for example), put it on this list, with the date it was added to the list.
You can not buy anything for at least 30 days after it was put on the list.
Hopefully, you will buy a lot less with this system.
ONLY shop from a list.
If it is not on the list do NOT BUY IT.
It is a good idea to check off an inventory list of all things you could need and highlight when you are out or low.
Limit the number of toys our children are able to have in the house.
This will lower the clutter, increase the value of the toys you currently own, increase our kids creativity as they learn to play with less, and also will decrease spending on toys.
Mix ground beef with an egg and several handfuls of quick oats (makes the meat go farther).
Use in meatballs, meat loaf, etc.
Go meatless 1-2 nights a week.
Try dry beans! They are VERY cheap and filling.
Wash your clothes inside out so they will look nicer longer...
and only wash if something is truly dirty.
Instead of a cap-full of fabric softener, put some on a towel and throw it in with the dryer.
A quarter size "spill" on the towel can do about 3 loads - a great way to save softener! Also, consider making your own laundry detergent.
It costs only pennies per load! 8.
In a room that has a tendency to be dark, put a mirror near the light to refract the light around the room.
One light bulb has the power of two with this trick! 9.
Check your insurance.
We were able to save $600 a year when we switched companies, combined our house and auto onto the same plan, and added $500 to our deductible.
Bake your own bread - let the yeast sit in sugar water till it smells fermented and use half the yeast (the most expensive ingredient in bread).
Rather than buy a newspaper for the coupons, go to your library, usually they do not mind allowing you to clip the coupons you need...
and my kids can attend story time at the same time! 12.
Go green and cloth diaper the kiddos.
If you use this cloth diapering method your whole stash can cost less than a hundred dollars and can potentially be handed down to future kiddos.
Cloth diapering also encourages early potty-training! 13.
Eat out rarely if ever! And if you are going to eat out, only drink water.
Also, check your newspapers for discounts and grand openings; you can usually get more for your buck then.
Get movies for your Friday night from the library rather than Blockbuster or Netflix.
They are usually free! 15.
Unplug items (toaster, shaver, cell phone charger, TV) when not in use.
Small amounts of electricity are still being used even if they are off, but plugged in.
Here are a few tips on ways that you can save a few extra pennies, and ultimately a significant amount of money.
To curb impulse buys, create a 30-day list.
When you want to buy something, other than a true necessity (medicine or food, for example), put it on this list, with the date it was added to the list.
You can not buy anything for at least 30 days after it was put on the list.
Hopefully, you will buy a lot less with this system.
ONLY shop from a list.
If it is not on the list do NOT BUY IT.
It is a good idea to check off an inventory list of all things you could need and highlight when you are out or low.
Limit the number of toys our children are able to have in the house.
This will lower the clutter, increase the value of the toys you currently own, increase our kids creativity as they learn to play with less, and also will decrease spending on toys.
Mix ground beef with an egg and several handfuls of quick oats (makes the meat go farther).
Use in meatballs, meat loaf, etc.
Go meatless 1-2 nights a week.
Try dry beans! They are VERY cheap and filling.
Wash your clothes inside out so they will look nicer longer...
and only wash if something is truly dirty.
Instead of a cap-full of fabric softener, put some on a towel and throw it in with the dryer.
A quarter size "spill" on the towel can do about 3 loads - a great way to save softener! Also, consider making your own laundry detergent.
It costs only pennies per load! 8.
In a room that has a tendency to be dark, put a mirror near the light to refract the light around the room.
One light bulb has the power of two with this trick! 9.
Check your insurance.
We were able to save $600 a year when we switched companies, combined our house and auto onto the same plan, and added $500 to our deductible.
Bake your own bread - let the yeast sit in sugar water till it smells fermented and use half the yeast (the most expensive ingredient in bread).
Rather than buy a newspaper for the coupons, go to your library, usually they do not mind allowing you to clip the coupons you need...
and my kids can attend story time at the same time! 12.
Go green and cloth diaper the kiddos.
If you use this cloth diapering method your whole stash can cost less than a hundred dollars and can potentially be handed down to future kiddos.
Cloth diapering also encourages early potty-training! 13.
Eat out rarely if ever! And if you are going to eat out, only drink water.
Also, check your newspapers for discounts and grand openings; you can usually get more for your buck then.
Get movies for your Friday night from the library rather than Blockbuster or Netflix.
They are usually free! 15.
Unplug items (toaster, shaver, cell phone charger, TV) when not in use.
Small amounts of electricity are still being used even if they are off, but plugged in.