How to Stop Your Dog From Biting
It is an unfortunate fact that many problems with regard to dog biting are not handled properly or are just ignored.
As dogs mature in age, dog biting can become more serious and many dogs who aggressively bite someone are euthanized at the dog pound .
However this can be avoided if dog biting is addressed early and the root cause of the dog biting is understood.
Biting is a form of dominance that dogs use in their normal pack relationships.
A dog who bites another dog is seeking submission from the other dog and an acknowledgement of pack hierarchy.
When you adopt a dog you and the dog are now part of his pack.
The dog sees you as a pack member even though you are human.
When you adopt a puppy and dog biting is noticed at this early stage of life, they will often nip or mouth you or others in your family.
The puppy is trying to resolve his position in his new pack .
While this may seem cute at first it must be discouraged.
If you allow the puppy to bite, even gently, he will believe that he is the dominant member of the pack.
As he grows older his biting may well become more serious as he asserts his dog pack dominance by biting and possibly injuring you or another member of the family.
There are many ways to stop your pup from biting.
Some trainers believe that using your hand to mimic a dog bite to the scruff ofthe neck will send the message that you are the one in charge of the pack.
Others believe that a firm "no" will send the message that dog biting by a puppy is unacceptable.
As a puppy gets a bit older, play biting will continue in intensity that which was started as puppy dog mouthing while he was very young.
When a young dog commences play biting he is telling you that he is in charge and you have better start falling in line.
As with the case of the new young puppy, this play biting by your dog must not be tolerated.
Dog trainers have indicated that it is time to teach the dog his position in the pack.
Heshould be taught that you are the leader of the pack, you will show him dominance in your behavior, but always in a calm and humane way.
This is not as tricky as it sounds.
Many dog trainers will inquire as to who eats first, you or your dog.
If you feed your dog first, a simple change that has him waiting for his food until you are finished eating will start to reset the order of dominance inthe pack in your dog's mind..
Once a dog is fully matured, dog bitingcan approach its most serious stage.
The dog has now firmly established in his own mind that fact that he is in charge.
If you do anything that is not pleasing to the dog, it is almost an imperative for him to bite you and teach you a lesson as to who's the boss.
After all, the dog is now firmly in charge of the pack and you are just a subordinate.
Get back in line private, barked the sergeant-major ! These are the cases where dogs are dumped, abandoned, given away or euthanized at dog shelters.
Yet, even at this stage all is not lost.
A qualified dog trainer can help you regain dominance of the pack and of the dog.
A new pecking order is necessary.
The sergeant -major must be demoted to buck private and you must become a 5 StarGeneral in the pack.
This will be accomplished by modifying a range of behaviors under the guidance and supervision of the dog trainer.
It will take time , but in the end a new life and relationship await you and your dog.
The best idea, of course, is to preclude dog biting from getting to this serious stage.
Address dog biting early.
Stop your puppy from "mouthing" and your young dog from play biting.
If you need any help, see a dog trainer.
Many places hold group lessons and may be able to help you.
Even if their dog trainers can't work with the level of dog biting issue you are confronting, they can point you in the right direction top get control of your dog and to stop his biting for his own good and the safety of your family and others.
As dogs mature in age, dog biting can become more serious and many dogs who aggressively bite someone are euthanized at the dog pound .
However this can be avoided if dog biting is addressed early and the root cause of the dog biting is understood.
Biting is a form of dominance that dogs use in their normal pack relationships.
A dog who bites another dog is seeking submission from the other dog and an acknowledgement of pack hierarchy.
When you adopt a dog you and the dog are now part of his pack.
The dog sees you as a pack member even though you are human.
When you adopt a puppy and dog biting is noticed at this early stage of life, they will often nip or mouth you or others in your family.
The puppy is trying to resolve his position in his new pack .
While this may seem cute at first it must be discouraged.
If you allow the puppy to bite, even gently, he will believe that he is the dominant member of the pack.
As he grows older his biting may well become more serious as he asserts his dog pack dominance by biting and possibly injuring you or another member of the family.
There are many ways to stop your pup from biting.
Some trainers believe that using your hand to mimic a dog bite to the scruff ofthe neck will send the message that you are the one in charge of the pack.
Others believe that a firm "no" will send the message that dog biting by a puppy is unacceptable.
As a puppy gets a bit older, play biting will continue in intensity that which was started as puppy dog mouthing while he was very young.
When a young dog commences play biting he is telling you that he is in charge and you have better start falling in line.
As with the case of the new young puppy, this play biting by your dog must not be tolerated.
Dog trainers have indicated that it is time to teach the dog his position in the pack.
Heshould be taught that you are the leader of the pack, you will show him dominance in your behavior, but always in a calm and humane way.
This is not as tricky as it sounds.
Many dog trainers will inquire as to who eats first, you or your dog.
If you feed your dog first, a simple change that has him waiting for his food until you are finished eating will start to reset the order of dominance inthe pack in your dog's mind..
Once a dog is fully matured, dog bitingcan approach its most serious stage.
The dog has now firmly established in his own mind that fact that he is in charge.
If you do anything that is not pleasing to the dog, it is almost an imperative for him to bite you and teach you a lesson as to who's the boss.
After all, the dog is now firmly in charge of the pack and you are just a subordinate.
Get back in line private, barked the sergeant-major ! These are the cases where dogs are dumped, abandoned, given away or euthanized at dog shelters.
Yet, even at this stage all is not lost.
A qualified dog trainer can help you regain dominance of the pack and of the dog.
A new pecking order is necessary.
The sergeant -major must be demoted to buck private and you must become a 5 StarGeneral in the pack.
This will be accomplished by modifying a range of behaviors under the guidance and supervision of the dog trainer.
It will take time , but in the end a new life and relationship await you and your dog.
The best idea, of course, is to preclude dog biting from getting to this serious stage.
Address dog biting early.
Stop your puppy from "mouthing" and your young dog from play biting.
If you need any help, see a dog trainer.
Many places hold group lessons and may be able to help you.
Even if their dog trainers can't work with the level of dog biting issue you are confronting, they can point you in the right direction top get control of your dog and to stop his biting for his own good and the safety of your family and others.