How to Kill a Virginia Creeper Vine
- 1). Pull up seedlings by hand if contained to a small area and caught early. Larger seedlings that have yet to vine may be removed by digging out the root area with a shovel. Discard or burn plant material.
- 2). Locate the root area of the vining Virginia creeper by following the main stem to the point where it reaches the ground.
- 3). Sever the stem from the root area by chopping the stem as close to the ground as you safely can, using a sharp axe. Be careful not to get in the way of the axe swing and avoid damaging other, more desirable plants that may be nearby. Use caution to avoid chopping into rocks, or the dirt, which will not yield as easily to the axe swings.
- 4). Spray the top of the severed stem immediately with glyphosate. Follow the safety and any mixing instructions on the glyphosate container. Virginia creeper’s root system absorbs the herbicide and transports it to the rest of the plant.
- 5). Pull down the vines, which may give resistance since its tendrils are likely attached to nearby walls or trees.