The Bold Rose of China
The flowers of hibiscus, though truly beautiful, are considered weeds in many places.
Even so, their big, bold flowers attract the admiration and attention of many people all over the world, who choose to buy a hibiscus bouquet for themselves, or for loved ones.
They are known under a variety of names, such as sorrel, flor de Jamaica, or rosemallow.
Hibiscus flowers are considered to be the "Rose of China", as they are thought to originate in Southern China, where they have grown since before the thirteenth century.
As a matter of fact, porcelain from China from the Ming Dinasty (1368-1644) has been found with decorations illustrating the flower.
Later, however, they began to grow in India, Pacific Islands, and even Hawaii, but appeared in Europe only in the 1700's, and a hundred years later, in the United States.
The hibiscus is the national flower of Malaysia, and often associated with the islands of Hawaii.
In reality, the national flower of Hawaii is actually a species of hibiscus which is native there.
There is a very large number of colors of them in the world, which is true of their size as well.
To explain, some species have flowers of 2 inches in diameter, while others can reach no less than 12 inches in diameter.
These flowers have a variety of symbols which can be easily identified to them.
During the Victorian era, they meant "subtle beauty".
In Hawaii, on the other hand, they are a reference to old royalty, as it is usually given to officials visiting the state.
In Japan, the name of the flower means "gentle", and for this reason, giving a hibiscus bouquet is a very safe gift, because it implies no deeper meaning or hidden message.
Usually, gardeners tend to prefer the color white and pink for the hibiscus bouquet.
No matter the particular color or colors, however, the flowers usually last for only one day, as they open their petals in the morning, and wilt in the afternoon.
For this reason, buds grow fast and are constantly opening.
Nonetheless, the cut plant itself can last between two to four weeks if properly cared for.
A very important thing to keep in mind is that water should be changed every day if possible, or every two days.
A very good idea is treating the plant with retardants that act on its growth, as it will help the flower buds develop slower than normal, which will in turn, make it a decorative presence for a longer time.
When placing your hibiscus bouquet keep in mind that the flowers need light and warmth to live, so putting it next to the window, for example, is a great idea.
Don't leave your bouquet under the heat emitted by a device because that will ruin the flower, as it will dry it completely.
If the hibiscus bouquet has leaves, you can mist them from time to time, but make sure to avoid the flowers themselves, as it may cause development of fungi.
Not only are these flowers beautiful, but they're also good for drinking! Well, not the flowers themselves, of course, but the tea made from them.
A published study revealed that drinking this type of tea has the ability to reduce blood pressure which is too high for people who have type two diabetes.
No matter the occasion, a hibiscus bouquet is a wonderful collection of bold colors, which will be very well appreciated by anyone receiving it! It is a very lively addition to any room of the house, making it the perfect decoration.
Even so, their big, bold flowers attract the admiration and attention of many people all over the world, who choose to buy a hibiscus bouquet for themselves, or for loved ones.
They are known under a variety of names, such as sorrel, flor de Jamaica, or rosemallow.
Hibiscus flowers are considered to be the "Rose of China", as they are thought to originate in Southern China, where they have grown since before the thirteenth century.
As a matter of fact, porcelain from China from the Ming Dinasty (1368-1644) has been found with decorations illustrating the flower.
Later, however, they began to grow in India, Pacific Islands, and even Hawaii, but appeared in Europe only in the 1700's, and a hundred years later, in the United States.
The hibiscus is the national flower of Malaysia, and often associated with the islands of Hawaii.
In reality, the national flower of Hawaii is actually a species of hibiscus which is native there.
There is a very large number of colors of them in the world, which is true of their size as well.
To explain, some species have flowers of 2 inches in diameter, while others can reach no less than 12 inches in diameter.
These flowers have a variety of symbols which can be easily identified to them.
During the Victorian era, they meant "subtle beauty".
In Hawaii, on the other hand, they are a reference to old royalty, as it is usually given to officials visiting the state.
In Japan, the name of the flower means "gentle", and for this reason, giving a hibiscus bouquet is a very safe gift, because it implies no deeper meaning or hidden message.
Usually, gardeners tend to prefer the color white and pink for the hibiscus bouquet.
No matter the particular color or colors, however, the flowers usually last for only one day, as they open their petals in the morning, and wilt in the afternoon.
For this reason, buds grow fast and are constantly opening.
Nonetheless, the cut plant itself can last between two to four weeks if properly cared for.
A very important thing to keep in mind is that water should be changed every day if possible, or every two days.
A very good idea is treating the plant with retardants that act on its growth, as it will help the flower buds develop slower than normal, which will in turn, make it a decorative presence for a longer time.
When placing your hibiscus bouquet keep in mind that the flowers need light and warmth to live, so putting it next to the window, for example, is a great idea.
Don't leave your bouquet under the heat emitted by a device because that will ruin the flower, as it will dry it completely.
If the hibiscus bouquet has leaves, you can mist them from time to time, but make sure to avoid the flowers themselves, as it may cause development of fungi.
Not only are these flowers beautiful, but they're also good for drinking! Well, not the flowers themselves, of course, but the tea made from them.
A published study revealed that drinking this type of tea has the ability to reduce blood pressure which is too high for people who have type two diabetes.
No matter the occasion, a hibiscus bouquet is a wonderful collection of bold colors, which will be very well appreciated by anyone receiving it! It is a very lively addition to any room of the house, making it the perfect decoration.