Another Wave of Social and Economic Progress
Our united auto workers ought to be selling electric automobiles.
With all that money that we pay united auto workers, they should have the resources to figure it out.
As far as I can tell, the engineering is already done.
It is just a matter of the banking and the corporate leadership and all that.
We can recharge our cars by plugging them into our houses.
The car batteries will improve rapidly once we start mass producing them.
And make sure you design the environmental quality into the cars and the manufacturing and disposal processes right from the start.
You know, minimal environmental impact for the complete life cycle of the cars and trucks.
We'll use wind, solar and tidal forces to generate the electricity.
A 21st century smart grid to distribute it.
Computerized, superconductor transmission and distribution system.
We'll use hydrocarbons in our chemical industry, not our energy industry.
Another project the united auto workers and other former industrial employees can do to earn a living is to develop a diverse assortment of online stores.
We are building a giant shopping mall on the Internet.
Get back to the mom and pop economy, the real free enterprise.
Create your own job, building a homestead on the Internet, like we did with farmland during the 19th century.
Which reminds me that we need to get back to family farming.
I realize there are some advantages to the economy of scale of industrial agribusiness.
The cost of destroying agriculture is like pulling the food out of the ground by its roots.
Sooner or later it is going to rot.
Agriculture is the roots of the world economy.
Industrial scale agribusiness is destroying those roots by violently separating the people from the earth.
We need our government, our schools and our businesses to work in harmony with our families.
Family is the most fundamental attribute of human nature.
Our society should revolve around our families.
If a family is weak then our society should strengthen it.
Our businesses need to stop tearing our families apart by selling poisonous substances and immoral activities.
And society does have a right to defend itself.
Freedom is lawful, not lawless.
Free enterprise is not a license for harmful and destructive business practices.
Be harmless and helpful.
Live in harmony with each other and our natural habitat.
Be responsible for all your thoughts words and deeds.
With all that money that we pay united auto workers, they should have the resources to figure it out.
As far as I can tell, the engineering is already done.
It is just a matter of the banking and the corporate leadership and all that.
We can recharge our cars by plugging them into our houses.
The car batteries will improve rapidly once we start mass producing them.
And make sure you design the environmental quality into the cars and the manufacturing and disposal processes right from the start.
You know, minimal environmental impact for the complete life cycle of the cars and trucks.
We'll use wind, solar and tidal forces to generate the electricity.
A 21st century smart grid to distribute it.
Computerized, superconductor transmission and distribution system.
We'll use hydrocarbons in our chemical industry, not our energy industry.
Another project the united auto workers and other former industrial employees can do to earn a living is to develop a diverse assortment of online stores.
We are building a giant shopping mall on the Internet.
Get back to the mom and pop economy, the real free enterprise.
Create your own job, building a homestead on the Internet, like we did with farmland during the 19th century.
Which reminds me that we need to get back to family farming.
I realize there are some advantages to the economy of scale of industrial agribusiness.
The cost of destroying agriculture is like pulling the food out of the ground by its roots.
Sooner or later it is going to rot.
Agriculture is the roots of the world economy.
Industrial scale agribusiness is destroying those roots by violently separating the people from the earth.
We need our government, our schools and our businesses to work in harmony with our families.
Family is the most fundamental attribute of human nature.
Our society should revolve around our families.
If a family is weak then our society should strengthen it.
Our businesses need to stop tearing our families apart by selling poisonous substances and immoral activities.
And society does have a right to defend itself.
Freedom is lawful, not lawless.
Free enterprise is not a license for harmful and destructive business practices.
Be harmless and helpful.
Live in harmony with each other and our natural habitat.
Be responsible for all your thoughts words and deeds.