World of Warcraft PvP User Interface
What you want to do to make a killer user interface is get addons that assist you in the game.
The default blizzard user interface is, well in my opinion, crap.
I've been playing this game since it came out and I have only met one good person who played this game with no addons, and he was a paladin.
The first addon I think is very useful is called gladius.
Gladius is an addon for inside of the arena.
It shows you the entire enemy team, whats their class is, what their hit points are at, what their mana is at, if their PvP trinket is off of cool down or not, and much much more.
I would highly recommend gladius to anyone wanting to get involved in serious arenaing.
The next addon is spell alert.
This addon is one of my favorites.
What it does is it announces what spells are being casted and who they are being casted on.
In a 40 man battleground like alterac valley it can be obnoxious.
But in a 3v3 arena it is so helpful.
It allows you to easily keep track of everything that is going on.
And whats being casted on who.
Especially helpful in preparing for big incoming burst and very nice and helpful for assisting you in dodging incoming crowd controlling moves.
Next up is miks scrolling battle text.
I personally think everyone should use this addon.
I can't stand using the tradition scrolling battle text blizzard has, I really can't play without this addon.
It shows all of the incoming and outgoing moves and displays them on different sides of your screen.
In addition to displaying that it also shows when moves come off cooldown and when buffs are gained.
I highly recommend miks scrolling battle text to anyone playing World of Warcraft.
This addon is great even outside of player vs player situations.
The last addon I want to talk about is called interrupt bar.
What this addon does is displays a bar with many of the interrupts that certain classes have, for example one of the moves the bar shows is death knight interrupt mind freeze.
What this addon does is when someone uses mind freeze, or any other move on the bar, it shows the cool down that is left on that interrupt so you know how long you can free cast for until your opponent have another interrupt ready.
This addon is an absolute must for healer or anyone who has to juke cast regularly.
The default blizzard user interface is, well in my opinion, crap.
I've been playing this game since it came out and I have only met one good person who played this game with no addons, and he was a paladin.
The first addon I think is very useful is called gladius.
Gladius is an addon for inside of the arena.
It shows you the entire enemy team, whats their class is, what their hit points are at, what their mana is at, if their PvP trinket is off of cool down or not, and much much more.
I would highly recommend gladius to anyone wanting to get involved in serious arenaing.
The next addon is spell alert.
This addon is one of my favorites.
What it does is it announces what spells are being casted and who they are being casted on.
In a 40 man battleground like alterac valley it can be obnoxious.
But in a 3v3 arena it is so helpful.
It allows you to easily keep track of everything that is going on.
And whats being casted on who.
Especially helpful in preparing for big incoming burst and very nice and helpful for assisting you in dodging incoming crowd controlling moves.
Next up is miks scrolling battle text.
I personally think everyone should use this addon.
I can't stand using the tradition scrolling battle text blizzard has, I really can't play without this addon.
It shows all of the incoming and outgoing moves and displays them on different sides of your screen.
In addition to displaying that it also shows when moves come off cooldown and when buffs are gained.
I highly recommend miks scrolling battle text to anyone playing World of Warcraft.
This addon is great even outside of player vs player situations.
The last addon I want to talk about is called interrupt bar.
What this addon does is displays a bar with many of the interrupts that certain classes have, for example one of the moves the bar shows is death knight interrupt mind freeze.
What this addon does is when someone uses mind freeze, or any other move on the bar, it shows the cool down that is left on that interrupt so you know how long you can free cast for until your opponent have another interrupt ready.
This addon is an absolute must for healer or anyone who has to juke cast regularly.