Our Way of Life Isn"t Sustaining Us
The average day-to-day hand-to-mouth hustle and bustle we call life is not life.
It is mere subsistence or survival.
It is just "getting by".
This frantic way of life isn't sustaining us; it does not nourish us, nor does it lead to a greater expression of our human nature.
The average human, one who is not in tune with his or her consciousness, is not having the fun that he/she is supposed to have-because the average human believes that all that they are is brain only and nothing beyond.
We tend to run on autopilot, managed by our outer influences and circumstances, hooked into a matrix medium that tells us how to behave, what to care about, and how to treat folks who stray from this consensus that is spoon-fed to us.
People are literally programmed into accepting an artificial false reality that bears little resemblance to what is actually taking place in the real world.
Humans today are completely out of touch with their inner world.
They know neither themselves nor their potential; they are not sensitive to the world that they live in.
Such humans use, abuse, exploit and never give back to others or creation.
This kind of human is an aberration of nature.
This human fights the world, rather than lives in unison with it.
The indoctrination into our culture and society, which we undergo as children, disconnects us from the magical nature that surrounds us, a world that almost seems forbidden.
The indoctrination locks us inside ourselves, inside mathematical conundrums and academic exercises, and forces us to make something of ourselves rather than to just be someone.
Our indoctrination also neglects to include teachings about the other senses we may have within us-call it consciousness, psychic intuition, or simply a gut feeling.
Why, though, when it could be such an invaluable tool? Why, when during a midlife crisis some of us are finally going to discover our "prisonality," the prison we have locked our self in and which has kept these senses and treasures away? Isn't being in tune with self, and nature, the most natural way to live? Isn't trusting the signs that we get from the divine, and from our inner guidance, the way to love and contentment? Isn't this the path that could lead to happiness and self-expression? Or is someone afraid that we would become too powerful if we used those human senses that are inside us and rightfully belong to us? Why are we not encouraged to use these gifts, which are instead downright shunned by our institutions? For whatever reason, we are being led down the wrong path.
Instead of finding true pleasure from within by activating consciousness via meditation or some other means, we search the world over for happiness.
However, true pleasure is not outside of yourself; it is right there inside you, slumbering.
Consciousness, awareness, and nature can deliver it right to you.
I often wonder why we build fortresses and shoot cannonballs at creation, when it has always rolled out the red carpet for us.
Fulfillment stems from integration, not defeat of the very soil that nurtures.
As children, we know this; we are pure, clean humans.
As we get older, we become stuffed with fluff and buzz.
In addition, because of all the negatives, (hatred, anger, behavioral patterns that we keep repeating, bad thoughts, greed, and addictions) our minds are unable to think clearly and logically.
When we do act, we are forced to make our way through this rubble first, this trash that we carry with us, which leads to results that are less than ideal.
Look at the world.
The world reflects what is within us.
Is it healthy? No! It's sick-just like our inner realm.
Again - as within, so without.
If we could manage to deep-clean our inner realm, the world would be a lot more harmonious than it is today.
Hence, if more people were to live and act like my dad, we could perhaps prevent disasters such as the Gulf of Mexico oil Armageddon of 2010.
It is mere subsistence or survival.
It is just "getting by".
This frantic way of life isn't sustaining us; it does not nourish us, nor does it lead to a greater expression of our human nature.
The average human, one who is not in tune with his or her consciousness, is not having the fun that he/she is supposed to have-because the average human believes that all that they are is brain only and nothing beyond.
We tend to run on autopilot, managed by our outer influences and circumstances, hooked into a matrix medium that tells us how to behave, what to care about, and how to treat folks who stray from this consensus that is spoon-fed to us.
People are literally programmed into accepting an artificial false reality that bears little resemblance to what is actually taking place in the real world.
Humans today are completely out of touch with their inner world.
They know neither themselves nor their potential; they are not sensitive to the world that they live in.
Such humans use, abuse, exploit and never give back to others or creation.
This kind of human is an aberration of nature.
This human fights the world, rather than lives in unison with it.
The indoctrination into our culture and society, which we undergo as children, disconnects us from the magical nature that surrounds us, a world that almost seems forbidden.
The indoctrination locks us inside ourselves, inside mathematical conundrums and academic exercises, and forces us to make something of ourselves rather than to just be someone.
Our indoctrination also neglects to include teachings about the other senses we may have within us-call it consciousness, psychic intuition, or simply a gut feeling.
Why, though, when it could be such an invaluable tool? Why, when during a midlife crisis some of us are finally going to discover our "prisonality," the prison we have locked our self in and which has kept these senses and treasures away? Isn't being in tune with self, and nature, the most natural way to live? Isn't trusting the signs that we get from the divine, and from our inner guidance, the way to love and contentment? Isn't this the path that could lead to happiness and self-expression? Or is someone afraid that we would become too powerful if we used those human senses that are inside us and rightfully belong to us? Why are we not encouraged to use these gifts, which are instead downright shunned by our institutions? For whatever reason, we are being led down the wrong path.
Instead of finding true pleasure from within by activating consciousness via meditation or some other means, we search the world over for happiness.
However, true pleasure is not outside of yourself; it is right there inside you, slumbering.
Consciousness, awareness, and nature can deliver it right to you.
I often wonder why we build fortresses and shoot cannonballs at creation, when it has always rolled out the red carpet for us.
Fulfillment stems from integration, not defeat of the very soil that nurtures.
As children, we know this; we are pure, clean humans.
As we get older, we become stuffed with fluff and buzz.
In addition, because of all the negatives, (hatred, anger, behavioral patterns that we keep repeating, bad thoughts, greed, and addictions) our minds are unable to think clearly and logically.
When we do act, we are forced to make our way through this rubble first, this trash that we carry with us, which leads to results that are less than ideal.
Look at the world.
The world reflects what is within us.
Is it healthy? No! It's sick-just like our inner realm.
Again - as within, so without.
If we could manage to deep-clean our inner realm, the world would be a lot more harmonious than it is today.
Hence, if more people were to live and act like my dad, we could perhaps prevent disasters such as the Gulf of Mexico oil Armageddon of 2010.