Information on Foreign Nativity Sets
- Nativity sets are designed to celebrate and show religious views and accounts of Jesus of Nazareth being born and visited by the three kings. There are a variety of different ways to display the birth scene, but all must follow general rules of the story to give proper religious respect and credibility to the accounts of the birth of Jesus. Indoor and outdoor arrangements are typically found made out of a variety of materials and artistic style to properly withstand elements that the displays are exposed to.
- Purchasing or creating a Nativity scene from other nations is a great way of emphasizing the global nature of Christ's birth. North American Nativity displays can seem abstract and different, compared with displays widely seen throughout Africa or South America due to their race and ethnic background altering the perception of the Nativity display. European displays are generally similar to ones created and found throughout North American countries. For example, the sculptures of the Kuba people of Africa display their Nativity scenes through the eyes of Pablo Picasso's view of the human form.
- The materials used to create Nativity scenes vary greatly, depending on the region where the scenes are created. In countries such as Haiti, it is common to find the three kings and objects created from recycled metal to lower production cost due to their overall lower economic standing, compared with countries such as the United States. Wooden sculptures are common from nations in the vicinity of India due to traditional creation beliefs. Typical highlights of creations from the Indian culture display faceless humans but emphasize bodily structure to properly differentiate people in the Nativity display. Areas with a higher degree of wealth, such as North America and Europe, create Nativity displays with materials as expensive as gold and other precious metals.
- The location of creating Nativity scenes varies, but most all follow general rules and guidelines. Most scenes are displayed with seven pieces or objects throughout the scene but can vary to show distinctive beliefs. The primary scene should be displayed to match the biblical Nativity stories of Mathew and Luke. The central scene of the display should be occupied by the Christ Child, as he is the reason for the display. A stable and manger is imperative for the scene. The figure closest to Christ should be the Virgin Mary on one side with his father, Joseph, on the other. All figures should be placed in concentric circles to emphasize their meaning. Common animals that are displayed are oxen, sheep and camels.
- When purchasing Nativity displays, the price can vary drastically due to the materials used as well as the region of the world and rarity of the display. A typical price range for average displays with general materials, such as wood and metal, are $25 to $70. Hand-carved and high-quality displays generally range from $100 to $400, higher if precious metals are used for creating the scene. Foreign native materials from specific regions can also increase price dramatically due to the scarcity of the material.
Nativity as a Global Event
Materials Used Through the World
Common Rules for Nativity Displays