Natural Corns Treatments
Corns or calluses are hardened and thickened layers of skin or tissues occurring especially in the palms and soles due to excessive friction and pressure.
The corns are characterized by very hard surface having a tough nodule like formation at the center.
The corns generally occur at the sides and the top part of the toes of the feet.
There are various reasons behind the development of corns.
Wearing of tight fitting shoes, socks, stockings, repeated rubbing of the toe with the hard shoe surface and such result corns.
High heeled shoes, bony feet, uneven distribution of the body weight, wearing of shoes without stockings or socks may also lead to the development of corns.
Natural corns' treatments would possibly help you to get rid of the development of corns efficiently.
The following are some of the methods of Natural Corns Treatments.
Some Natural Corns Treatments oTry to prevent as much amount of friction as possible.
Wearing of proper foot wear would also help you to deal with corns to a great extent.
oCastor oil can help you to get rid of corns to a great extent.
Before going to bed apply a cotton ball dipped in castor oil on the corn surface and bandage it with an adhesive tape.
To prevent staining of the bed sheets wear socks.
Do not apply the castor oil on any broken skin surface.
oDip the part affected by corns and calluses in the solution of Epsom salt and warm water.
This would soften the skin surface considerably and also would reduce the pain if any to a great extent.
oIf your corn gets soft you may get rid of it by using a pumice stone.
But diabetes patients are recommended not to use the pumice stone.
Even shaving or cutting off the corns would rather increase the risk of infection.
oTo reduce the pain you are required to soften the skin of the corn considerably.
To soften the corn you may apply calendula cream, oil or lotions having constituents like urea and lactic acid.
You may also visit a certified podiatrist for curing corn with the aid of natural corns' treatments.
Arch supports and orthotics are some of the possible ways of healing corns.
You may also wear gloves to protect your feet and hands while gardening or performing rigorous physical exercise.
You may also cover the corns with medicated corn pads to reduce the extent of friction.
The corns are characterized by very hard surface having a tough nodule like formation at the center.
The corns generally occur at the sides and the top part of the toes of the feet.
There are various reasons behind the development of corns.
Wearing of tight fitting shoes, socks, stockings, repeated rubbing of the toe with the hard shoe surface and such result corns.
High heeled shoes, bony feet, uneven distribution of the body weight, wearing of shoes without stockings or socks may also lead to the development of corns.
Natural corns' treatments would possibly help you to get rid of the development of corns efficiently.
The following are some of the methods of Natural Corns Treatments.
Some Natural Corns Treatments oTry to prevent as much amount of friction as possible.
Wearing of proper foot wear would also help you to deal with corns to a great extent.
oCastor oil can help you to get rid of corns to a great extent.
Before going to bed apply a cotton ball dipped in castor oil on the corn surface and bandage it with an adhesive tape.
To prevent staining of the bed sheets wear socks.
Do not apply the castor oil on any broken skin surface.
oDip the part affected by corns and calluses in the solution of Epsom salt and warm water.
This would soften the skin surface considerably and also would reduce the pain if any to a great extent.
oIf your corn gets soft you may get rid of it by using a pumice stone.
But diabetes patients are recommended not to use the pumice stone.
Even shaving or cutting off the corns would rather increase the risk of infection.
oTo reduce the pain you are required to soften the skin of the corn considerably.
To soften the corn you may apply calendula cream, oil or lotions having constituents like urea and lactic acid.
You may also visit a certified podiatrist for curing corn with the aid of natural corns' treatments.
Arch supports and orthotics are some of the possible ways of healing corns.
You may also wear gloves to protect your feet and hands while gardening or performing rigorous physical exercise.
You may also cover the corns with medicated corn pads to reduce the extent of friction.