What Is the Birthstone for the Month October?
- Modern birthstones are in a list that was formed by Jewelers of America in 1912. The modern birthstones for October are opal and tourmaline.
- The traditional birthstone for October is aquamarine in the Arabic, Hebrew, Polish and Roman cultures. It is coral in Hindu culture and beryl in Italian and Russian cultures.
- The birthstone for October according to the zodiac covers two different signs: Libra (September 24 through October 23) and Scorpio (October 24 through November 22). Peridot is associated with Libra and Scorpio is associated with beryl.
- Mystical birthstones originate in Tibet. The mystical birthstone for October is jasper.
- Ayurvedic birthstones come from India. The Ayurvedic birthstone for October is opal.