Joining a Writers Group - A Key Step in Your Writing Journey
You are consumed with an insatiable love of writing.
You already spend hours hammering away on the keyboard, or perhaps laying ink on lined notebook paper.
Maybe you even have a blog.
So what is your next move in the path to becoming a full-fledged writer? Well, now it is time for you to join a writers group.
These groups consist of writers coming together, sharing their works and experiences, and offering helpful critique.
There is an array of benefits to joining a writers group and it should be an essential step on your writing journey.
Emersion in the writing community Writing is a solitary endeavor.
Given this undeniable truth, it is important to break away from the computer every once in a while and actively engage with living, breathing human beings.
To do so with people who also write will lead to an abundance of rich value.
We are all social creatures with a natural desire to belong to groups.
Doing so helps feed into our respective identities.
Being a part of a writers group will enable you to feel like the writer you are.
It will give you confidence in your identity as a writer, even if you aren't published.
You will hear about experiences in the writing world and glean terrific insight from other writers.
And as your fellow group members find success, it will provide you with a sense of optimism and affirmation that "Yes, it really can be done.
" Creating deadlines When you join a writers group, you are expected to arrive at every session with a short story, poem, essay, etc.
to share.
This establishes deadlines you would not otherwise face while writing the next great American novel at your own time and pace.
Some writers may veer towards procrastination and this is fine...
provided there is a deadline to be met.
Joining a writers group will create one and keep you on track.
You will not want to disappoint your fellow writers by showing up empty-handed.
This provides ample motivation to write and prevents "I'll do it tomorrow" syndrome for a tomorrow which never comes.
Editing your work As a writer, you must continually edit and re-edit your work until you have it "just right.
" You should pour over your writing tirelessly to ensure the words are properly conveying your vision.
Careful editing is a vital part of the writing process and your writers group will play a large role in helping with this.
There is tremendous value in having multiple sets of eyes reading your works.
Gaining fresh perspective will enable you to see new possibilities you may not have considered.
Additionally, your fellow writers help catch mistakes which might have otherwise gone unnoticed.
Often, when we read our works independently, the brain reads them the way we think they are written.
As a result of this phenomenon, your brain might see "the cat pounced on a mouse," when, in reality, your piece reads "the cat pounced on a moose.
" Other writers, though, will envision the feline trying to attack a large mammal, instead of a small rodent, and suggest making a change.
Or perhaps you will become endeared to the idea of an over-ambitious kitty and rewrite your story appropriately.
Learning new ideas and techniques By reading and listening to fellow writers, you will hear new voices and see stories in different points of view.
You might read a story presented in first person and it will inspire you to re-write a piece you had previously drafted in third person.
Or you can see how another writer incorporates backstory and use a similar technique in your works.
During discussion, you will learn where others find their inspiration and how they overcome the dreaded writer's block.
You might hear terrific tips regarding research or how to more effectively utilize the internet as a means of self-marketing.
There is a veritable wealth of knowledge at your disposal when you belong to a writers group.
Critiquing other writers At writers groups, an important part of each session is the time following presentation, when everyone provides feedback for the piece which was read.
If it was your turn to present, your fellow writers will tell you the aspects of your work they felt were either especially strong, or parts which need more editing.
This is important, no doubt, but the actual critiquing you provide will mold you into a sharper reader and give you enhanced vision.
In turn, this will lead to crisp, fresh writing in your own works.
If you are concerned about receiving harsh judgment from your peers, you needn't be.
Most criticism is constructive and writers generally frame their critiques in a positive manner.
Remember, they are also exposing their respective works and will have the same trepidations and fears as you.
Everyone in a writers group is a peer and it's a safe community for you to express yourself.
Taking the step Joining a writers group is an absolute must if you enjoy writing, and even more so if your dreams are to become published one day.
It applies a time constraint to keep you moving forward in the craft.
You will find help editing your works and develop stronger writing skills.
And joining the community will only increase confidence in your identity as a writer.
So if you haven't already, take one of the smartest steps possible for your writing journey and find a writers group to join today!
You already spend hours hammering away on the keyboard, or perhaps laying ink on lined notebook paper.
Maybe you even have a blog.
So what is your next move in the path to becoming a full-fledged writer? Well, now it is time for you to join a writers group.
These groups consist of writers coming together, sharing their works and experiences, and offering helpful critique.
There is an array of benefits to joining a writers group and it should be an essential step on your writing journey.
Emersion in the writing community Writing is a solitary endeavor.
Given this undeniable truth, it is important to break away from the computer every once in a while and actively engage with living, breathing human beings.
To do so with people who also write will lead to an abundance of rich value.
We are all social creatures with a natural desire to belong to groups.
Doing so helps feed into our respective identities.
Being a part of a writers group will enable you to feel like the writer you are.
It will give you confidence in your identity as a writer, even if you aren't published.
You will hear about experiences in the writing world and glean terrific insight from other writers.
And as your fellow group members find success, it will provide you with a sense of optimism and affirmation that "Yes, it really can be done.
" Creating deadlines When you join a writers group, you are expected to arrive at every session with a short story, poem, essay, etc.
to share.
This establishes deadlines you would not otherwise face while writing the next great American novel at your own time and pace.
Some writers may veer towards procrastination and this is fine...
provided there is a deadline to be met.
Joining a writers group will create one and keep you on track.
You will not want to disappoint your fellow writers by showing up empty-handed.
This provides ample motivation to write and prevents "I'll do it tomorrow" syndrome for a tomorrow which never comes.
Editing your work As a writer, you must continually edit and re-edit your work until you have it "just right.
" You should pour over your writing tirelessly to ensure the words are properly conveying your vision.
Careful editing is a vital part of the writing process and your writers group will play a large role in helping with this.
There is tremendous value in having multiple sets of eyes reading your works.
Gaining fresh perspective will enable you to see new possibilities you may not have considered.
Additionally, your fellow writers help catch mistakes which might have otherwise gone unnoticed.
Often, when we read our works independently, the brain reads them the way we think they are written.
As a result of this phenomenon, your brain might see "the cat pounced on a mouse," when, in reality, your piece reads "the cat pounced on a moose.
" Other writers, though, will envision the feline trying to attack a large mammal, instead of a small rodent, and suggest making a change.
Or perhaps you will become endeared to the idea of an over-ambitious kitty and rewrite your story appropriately.
Learning new ideas and techniques By reading and listening to fellow writers, you will hear new voices and see stories in different points of view.
You might read a story presented in first person and it will inspire you to re-write a piece you had previously drafted in third person.
Or you can see how another writer incorporates backstory and use a similar technique in your works.
During discussion, you will learn where others find their inspiration and how they overcome the dreaded writer's block.
You might hear terrific tips regarding research or how to more effectively utilize the internet as a means of self-marketing.
There is a veritable wealth of knowledge at your disposal when you belong to a writers group.
Critiquing other writers At writers groups, an important part of each session is the time following presentation, when everyone provides feedback for the piece which was read.
If it was your turn to present, your fellow writers will tell you the aspects of your work they felt were either especially strong, or parts which need more editing.
This is important, no doubt, but the actual critiquing you provide will mold you into a sharper reader and give you enhanced vision.
In turn, this will lead to crisp, fresh writing in your own works.
If you are concerned about receiving harsh judgment from your peers, you needn't be.
Most criticism is constructive and writers generally frame their critiques in a positive manner.
Remember, they are also exposing their respective works and will have the same trepidations and fears as you.
Everyone in a writers group is a peer and it's a safe community for you to express yourself.
Taking the step Joining a writers group is an absolute must if you enjoy writing, and even more so if your dreams are to become published one day.
It applies a time constraint to keep you moving forward in the craft.
You will find help editing your works and develop stronger writing skills.
And joining the community will only increase confidence in your identity as a writer.
So if you haven't already, take one of the smartest steps possible for your writing journey and find a writers group to join today!