Twenty Travel and Holiday Tips
In my line of work, I pick up some great tips about holidays and travelling.
Here are some of the tips that I think are most important if you want to make the most of your holiday and avoid both total disasters and minor mishaps.
Here are some of the tips that I think are most important if you want to make the most of your holiday and avoid both total disasters and minor mishaps.
- Tell your bank before you go or your card might not work abroad.
- Make sure your mobile is set up for use abroad; you can't set it up once you're there.
- If hiring a car, you will need to take both your photo driving licence and your counterpart license.
- If travelling alone, youth hostels are not only cheap places to stay but great places to meet like-minded people.
- Make sure your passport is in date before booking your holiday.
- If staying in one place for the duration of your holiday, research and choose your accommodation carefully, it will make or break your stay.
- Renting privately owned holiday apartments can be a cheap way to find great self-catering accommodation.
- If you are unsure about the water quality of your holiday destination, never have ice in drinks because ice cubes are made with tap water.
- Put all lotions and potions (shampoo, sun cream, etc.
) in a plastic bag in your luggage in case they burst during the flight - Research your destination to make the most of your time away.
It's annoying to hear about an amazing attraction on the way home - Learn the language - well, a few words anyway.
This will help you more than you think when you're away from home - Don't forget your chargers - phone, laptop, tablet.
- Don't forget your travel plug
- Always pack something to cover up with.
Some religious landmarks won't let you in if you're not covered up so don't miss out! - Eat where the locals eat.
Head away from tourist hotspots for cheaper restaurants with better food. - If you have friends living in exciting locations, visit them! The best guide you will have is a local!
- Consider travelling around rather than staying put on holiday.
It's great fun to travel in a campervan or on a motorbike. - Consider organised trips abroad to do charity work.
You will do some good and experience the reality of the location. - When travelling to countries that could potentially be politically turbulent, always check advice on the foreign office website before you book and again immediately before you travel.
- Make a note of the phone number for your holiday insurance and keep it somewhere safe in case you need it, along with any other emergency contact numbers.