Neti Pot Tips
- Neti pots can be found at many health food stores, as well as pharmacies.
Using a neti pot is very simple, although it make take some practice to get used to. The most basic recipe for neti pot solutions involves only salt and water. Mix one teaspoon of salt with one pint of warm water in the neti pot. Insert the spout of the neti pot into one nostril, so that it forms a seal. Lean forward over the sink and tilt your head down. Slowly tilt the neti pot so the water pours into the nostril. In a few seconds, the water will flow out of the other nostril. Relax, and know that you're in control of how fast the water flows. If you feel like you're getting a head rush from the water, slow the flow from the neti pot. Repeat with each nostril until the neti pot is empty.
Neti pots can be used safely twice a day, and are easy to incorporate into your morning and evening hygienic routine. - While it is acceptable to use regular table salt, salts made specifically for use with neti pots is preferable. Table salt is not pure and can potentially cause irritation, while salts designed for nasal irrigation are made of the highest grade of commercial salt. Look for neti pot salts that are non-iodized and contain no preservatives, additives or anti-caking agents. Special salts made for the neti pot are often less than $5, depending on the size of the package, and a worthwhile investment.
- Baking soda can be added to your neti pot to create a solution that is close to the pH balance of your own bodily fluids. Add one tablespoon of salt and one tablespoon of baking soda to a pint of warm water. Use this solution in your neti pot to improve the solution's ability to dissolve mucus in the sinus cavities.
Proper Use
Use Good Salt
Baking Soda