Mammoth' Journey to Denmark
My 'mammoth' journey started at Edinburgh, everything went pretty smooth apart from getting my beloved facewash taken off me as it was over 100ml, but to be fair that was my own fault so no hard feelings there Edinburgh Airport security team! Plus the security guy that took the facewash off me was a lovely old chap, and as it wasn't very busy he stopped and chatted to me for a while, this I appreciated greatly. The picture is not the security guard but I wanted an example of a friendly security guard. To be fair nothing that excited happened between Edinburgh and Heathrow....except getting my first ever Pret a Manger. Life changed.
So here we are...Denmark. Alone. English Speaking. Terrified. Pretty much sums up my feelings as I stepped off the plane at Copenhagen, however the main thing on my mind (this shows my true girly nature) was that my suitcase may not have arrived safely, meaning I'm stuck in a new country with no make up, no straightners and no extra clothes. Was I worried about the fact I would be meeting the people I will spend the next 9 months living with in a matter of hours.? No, main worry the suitcase. Got my priorities sorted perfectly.
You will all be glad to hear/read that my suitcase arrived intact and this time with no tape wrapped all around it informing fellow passengers my bag was searched as it was deemed suspicous. Yes this happened to me in Paris, and everyone looked at me in a very accusing tone. I made my way to the main section of TERMINAL ONE (take note of the terminal I am in at this moment in time.) I wandered to the big screen thing, techincal, to see where to head for my next flight. My flight was not on the big screen, que big freak out. Panicing I rushed up to the help desk and asked the woman were the 17:30 flight to Billund was checking in at, a couple of seconds passed as she read the sheet I handed to her, then she looked up at me and her look can only be descirbed as that of what an idiot recieves when having done something utterly stupid.
'Yes, I know that...'
'Your flight leaves from TERMINAL THREE. That's why it is not on the screen, your in the wrong place. It says the terminal number on the print out you gave me.'
Que me walking away in shame. However for some reason my daily quota of idiotic moves had not been used up as after this when I left TERMINAL ONE I noticed a sign telling me that a free bus to TERMINAL THREE stopped here. On seeing this sign I didn't stop to think 'oh this probably means that TERMINAL THREE is far away.' Nope I decided to walk. Twenty minutes later I rocked up to TERMINAL THREE, my hair slightly messy as it was insanely windy and basically hating on my decision after seeing two terminal shuttle buses pass me on my walk. Another security check took place and then away to the gate I went to wait for my final flight.
The 'mammoth' journey was soon to be over....ah wait no it wasn't as now my flight was delayed by an hour and a half. Fabulous. At this point I had literally spent 9 hours going in and out of airports, one more hour (and a half) seemed pretty low at this moment. This however was not the lowest part of this delay, the reason why the plane was delayed was the lowest part - technical problems!! And so the fear of 'getting on the plane as it may result in death' set in big style. Don't fret as I am obviously alive as I have so far spent a month in Denmark - and on arriving in Billund airport the thing I should have been worrying about when actually fretting about my luggage in Copenhagen set in, especially since I could see the Claudia and Thomas standing just outside of where I was. I walked out of the arrival section and met Claudia and Thomas. To be fair not too sure what to write about this part of the 'mammoth journey' so I think I will swiftly move on to a conclusion.
'Mammoth' journey over and done with, a month has passed and I settled in rather nicely so far. A little bit homesick now and then but that comes with the territory eh! Part Two will more than likely be me spraffing about the children and the change I have noticed in just a month....excited??? Ayyyyyeeeee
So here we are...Denmark. Alone. English Speaking. Terrified. Pretty much sums up my feelings as I stepped off the plane at Copenhagen, however the main thing on my mind (this shows my true girly nature) was that my suitcase may not have arrived safely, meaning I'm stuck in a new country with no make up, no straightners and no extra clothes. Was I worried about the fact I would be meeting the people I will spend the next 9 months living with in a matter of hours.? No, main worry the suitcase. Got my priorities sorted perfectly.
You will all be glad to hear/read that my suitcase arrived intact and this time with no tape wrapped all around it informing fellow passengers my bag was searched as it was deemed suspicous. Yes this happened to me in Paris, and everyone looked at me in a very accusing tone. I made my way to the main section of TERMINAL ONE (take note of the terminal I am in at this moment in time.) I wandered to the big screen thing, techincal, to see where to head for my next flight. My flight was not on the big screen, que big freak out. Panicing I rushed up to the help desk and asked the woman were the 17:30 flight to Billund was checking in at, a couple of seconds passed as she read the sheet I handed to her, then she looked up at me and her look can only be descirbed as that of what an idiot recieves when having done something utterly stupid.
'Yes, I know that...'
'Your flight leaves from TERMINAL THREE. That's why it is not on the screen, your in the wrong place. It says the terminal number on the print out you gave me.'
Que me walking away in shame. However for some reason my daily quota of idiotic moves had not been used up as after this when I left TERMINAL ONE I noticed a sign telling me that a free bus to TERMINAL THREE stopped here. On seeing this sign I didn't stop to think 'oh this probably means that TERMINAL THREE is far away.' Nope I decided to walk. Twenty minutes later I rocked up to TERMINAL THREE, my hair slightly messy as it was insanely windy and basically hating on my decision after seeing two terminal shuttle buses pass me on my walk. Another security check took place and then away to the gate I went to wait for my final flight.
The 'mammoth' journey was soon to be over....ah wait no it wasn't as now my flight was delayed by an hour and a half. Fabulous. At this point I had literally spent 9 hours going in and out of airports, one more hour (and a half) seemed pretty low at this moment. This however was not the lowest part of this delay, the reason why the plane was delayed was the lowest part - technical problems!! And so the fear of 'getting on the plane as it may result in death' set in big style. Don't fret as I am obviously alive as I have so far spent a month in Denmark - and on arriving in Billund airport the thing I should have been worrying about when actually fretting about my luggage in Copenhagen set in, especially since I could see the Claudia and Thomas standing just outside of where I was. I walked out of the arrival section and met Claudia and Thomas. To be fair not too sure what to write about this part of the 'mammoth journey' so I think I will swiftly move on to a conclusion.
'Mammoth' journey over and done with, a month has passed and I settled in rather nicely so far. A little bit homesick now and then but that comes with the territory eh! Part Two will more than likely be me spraffing about the children and the change I have noticed in just a month....excited??? Ayyyyyeeeee