How to Exmerge a Mailbox Larger Than 2Gb
- 1). Double-click the "Exmerge.exe" file on your Exchange server's hard drive. This executable is located in the directory where your Exchange server is installed. This is normally "C:\Program Files\Exchange Server."
- 2). Select "Extract or Import (Two Step Procedure) " and click the "Next" button. On the next window, select "Step 1" and then click the "Next" button.
- 3). Enter your Exchange server name in the text box labeled "Microsoft Exchange Server Name" and click the "Options" button. This opens a new window where you can extract email parts from the Exchange server.
- 4). Click the "Data" tab. In the section labeled "Data Selection Criteria," enter a date range to save the first part of the user's email. For instance, if the user's mailbox is over two gigabytes and the total range for the email files is a year, use a range of six months to export the email in partitions. Click the "Ok" button and then click the "Next" button in the main Exmerge window.
- 5). Select the language in the drop-down box labeled "Default locale" and press the "Next" button. Select a locate on the hard drive for the saved Exmerge file and press "Next."
- 6). Click the "Save" button at the summary screen. Exmerge extracts the user's email into a file on the hard drive. Repeat these steps to extract the rest of the user's email.