How many times in a day, do you complain? It can be about a person, thing or event.
Each one of us has a boxful of objections to the way things are moving thus changing ethos and values for the worst.
Grievances against one and all except oneself have seemingly made a mess of life.
Nothing appears to be in order, today.
Parents especially mothers have a chronic complaint that their wards are not putting up type of hard work, as they are capable of.
Bosses are another type of regular complainants who are never satisfied with the working of subordinates.
Old 'golden' people have transfixed eyes on olden days and constitute the majority of in park litigants.
People have their minds full of complaints against the social, political, religious and personal working of all, except themselves.
"Had my suggestion been implemented, things would have not reached such a pass?" can be heard from a clerk to the prime minister and especially the opposition benches and elderly people you find in a park during mornings and evenings sitting on iron benches or stone platforms have much to offer.
Our media is also contributing their best to this cause.
We get varied answers everyday to question -"What would you do if elected as people's representative from your area?" put to an odd student or a housewife or someone who is somehow known to a journalist.
We get dreamy answers and heavenly propositions.
But people at the helm of affairs are all stupid; they are down right fools.
The sorry state of the state is due to the fact that people do not listen to you.
No one listen to you.
Your complaints are genuine and your solutions are not only the best but original too.
You are in possession of the panacea for all ills prevalent, today as well as these are able to tackle impending dangers.
But alas! Even the God does not listen to you while you are his only beloved son who had sincerely been visiting Him not only the temples, but churches and mosques also.
Nobody listens.
Why? It is a misfortune of the society that no one is listening to your sane advice; your sincere prophesies like all other elderly and experienced people.
Greenheads are ruling over the gray heads thus leading to all ills.
One day the world will be doomed.
That is why; humanity is suffering; in misery, not happy.
But do you listen to your own voice, your inner voice- your conscience? "I am right," has led to almost all the problems, humanity has faced and still facing today.
Remember! Unless you listen to your own inner voice of conscience, of your heart, it may not be possible for others to listen to you.
And once you listen to and follow your voice, you might feel of no-need to complain.
Everything then looks to be rightly placed.
The total existence is centered except you.
People are as they are made; everyone behaves the way he has been cultivated by education, religion, society and the environment.
You can change neither, but your habit of changing all others for good is the root cause of all the problems.
Accept the things as such.
Watch those in entirety and not loop eyed.
A meditative silence will dawn on you making the world clearer, brighter and lovable.
Silence does not need any words because it brings out the awareness; the realities stand exposed.
The world has been like this since inception, or at least since the beginning of civilization.
Civilization is the process of creating a man made social structure supposedly higher than that of animals and birds.
Raising people from their animalistic instinct impregnated the social norms and reforms.
Since it is a man made and two minds do not work at same wavelength- those can never be looked into in same perspective.
Consequentially the complaints become part of structure.
Grievances about the present saw emergence of communism, socialism and all sort of isms.
Isms are all part of egoistic mind and to look down at other's ism as lower that yours causes bitterness.
Later the society, especially the democratic society, coined a new word -consensus.
Consensus is by majority.
It can be seen even in politburo of dictators.
But never in the community of complainants, though their number is huge, there is not a consensus among the complainants.
I am with you All your complaints are genuine and need to be attended to urgently.
People at the helm of affairs are duds, promoted due to their 'scheduled' creed, class and caste and sometimes due to unscheduled money.
Let you all join together and promote the panacea- the cure all.
Cure All Party (CAP) can add a feather in the cap of all complainants of the world.
Don't waste time! Time is running out and that is also one of the complaints of millions of people.
I have met many people with a boxful of grievances about shortage of time.
Chronic complainants find even twenty-four hours too meager in a day.
Real cure for all But the real Panacea lies in total acceptance of life; your surroundings and not only all the people as they are but also all existential environs with its trees, mountains, deserts and oceans.
Nothing requires a change except you; you yourself need a change of mindset.
Attitude of acceptance with a surrendered gratitude will open a new vista; a new horizon and a gleaming world with its completeness, its wholeness is eager to accept you.
Come and join.
Each one of us has a boxful of objections to the way things are moving thus changing ethos and values for the worst.
Grievances against one and all except oneself have seemingly made a mess of life.
Nothing appears to be in order, today.
Parents especially mothers have a chronic complaint that their wards are not putting up type of hard work, as they are capable of.
Bosses are another type of regular complainants who are never satisfied with the working of subordinates.
Old 'golden' people have transfixed eyes on olden days and constitute the majority of in park litigants.
People have their minds full of complaints against the social, political, religious and personal working of all, except themselves.
"Had my suggestion been implemented, things would have not reached such a pass?" can be heard from a clerk to the prime minister and especially the opposition benches and elderly people you find in a park during mornings and evenings sitting on iron benches or stone platforms have much to offer.
Our media is also contributing their best to this cause.
We get varied answers everyday to question -"What would you do if elected as people's representative from your area?" put to an odd student or a housewife or someone who is somehow known to a journalist.
We get dreamy answers and heavenly propositions.
But people at the helm of affairs are all stupid; they are down right fools.
The sorry state of the state is due to the fact that people do not listen to you.
No one listen to you.
Your complaints are genuine and your solutions are not only the best but original too.
You are in possession of the panacea for all ills prevalent, today as well as these are able to tackle impending dangers.
But alas! Even the God does not listen to you while you are his only beloved son who had sincerely been visiting Him not only the temples, but churches and mosques also.
Nobody listens.
Why? It is a misfortune of the society that no one is listening to your sane advice; your sincere prophesies like all other elderly and experienced people.
Greenheads are ruling over the gray heads thus leading to all ills.
One day the world will be doomed.
That is why; humanity is suffering; in misery, not happy.
But do you listen to your own voice, your inner voice- your conscience? "I am right," has led to almost all the problems, humanity has faced and still facing today.
Remember! Unless you listen to your own inner voice of conscience, of your heart, it may not be possible for others to listen to you.
And once you listen to and follow your voice, you might feel of no-need to complain.
Everything then looks to be rightly placed.
The total existence is centered except you.
People are as they are made; everyone behaves the way he has been cultivated by education, religion, society and the environment.
You can change neither, but your habit of changing all others for good is the root cause of all the problems.
Accept the things as such.
Watch those in entirety and not loop eyed.
A meditative silence will dawn on you making the world clearer, brighter and lovable.
Silence does not need any words because it brings out the awareness; the realities stand exposed.
The world has been like this since inception, or at least since the beginning of civilization.
Civilization is the process of creating a man made social structure supposedly higher than that of animals and birds.
Raising people from their animalistic instinct impregnated the social norms and reforms.
Since it is a man made and two minds do not work at same wavelength- those can never be looked into in same perspective.
Consequentially the complaints become part of structure.
Grievances about the present saw emergence of communism, socialism and all sort of isms.
Isms are all part of egoistic mind and to look down at other's ism as lower that yours causes bitterness.
Later the society, especially the democratic society, coined a new word -consensus.
Consensus is by majority.
It can be seen even in politburo of dictators.
But never in the community of complainants, though their number is huge, there is not a consensus among the complainants.
I am with you All your complaints are genuine and need to be attended to urgently.
People at the helm of affairs are duds, promoted due to their 'scheduled' creed, class and caste and sometimes due to unscheduled money.
Let you all join together and promote the panacea- the cure all.
Cure All Party (CAP) can add a feather in the cap of all complainants of the world.
Don't waste time! Time is running out and that is also one of the complaints of millions of people.
I have met many people with a boxful of grievances about shortage of time.
Chronic complainants find even twenty-four hours too meager in a day.
Real cure for all But the real Panacea lies in total acceptance of life; your surroundings and not only all the people as they are but also all existential environs with its trees, mountains, deserts and oceans.
Nothing requires a change except you; you yourself need a change of mindset.
Attitude of acceptance with a surrendered gratitude will open a new vista; a new horizon and a gleaming world with its completeness, its wholeness is eager to accept you.
Come and join.