Restaurant Managers Escape!
Restaurant managers, are you ready to fire your boss? Have you already been laid off or fired? Are you worried that in this economy your job may be eliminated? Maybe you are fed up and just want to find a way out.
Do you really enjoy working late nights and weekends when your friends and family are off? How about those close opens? Like setting the alarm for a different time every day, especially 4 AM once a week on inventory morning so you can go stand inside walk in coolers and freezer for a couple of hours? Having fun dealing with the health department? How about dealing with the "me" generation, most of which have no interest in team work or your business.
And in this economy, how much time are you spending performing hourly functions? I feel your pain! I spent over 30 years as a restaurant manager until I was told my services were no longer needed.
For a long time I enjoyed it, fun atmosphere, meeting interesting people and I was good at it.
At some point it became just a job, something that paid the bills.
I realized I was on a dead end street.
With this declining economy, I am sure many of you have been forced to think outside the box to find creative ways to save money.
Well over a year ago I eliminated all bussing positions, many shifts ran without a dishwasher and one day a week this 53 year old grandfather was running the grill.
I realized there was no way I could keep this pace up for the next twelve years until I was ready for retirement.
I made a decent living, own my own house, but not a lot extra.
I basically had no retirement.
If you have seen the statements that Social Security sends out every year, no way that monthly check was going to pay the bills.
I new I had to find something else.
I refused to ever work in a restaurant again.
Long story short, I found an awesome opportunity that has changed my life.
I started a turn-key online business from home that has vastly improved my lifestyle.
This is a legitimate business opportunity and a great way to escape the restaurant rut.
Life is too short to work your tail off for someone else and end up with little for yourself.
If you are ready to escape and live the lifestyle of your dreams, I would be more than happy to show you the way.
Do you really enjoy working late nights and weekends when your friends and family are off? How about those close opens? Like setting the alarm for a different time every day, especially 4 AM once a week on inventory morning so you can go stand inside walk in coolers and freezer for a couple of hours? Having fun dealing with the health department? How about dealing with the "me" generation, most of which have no interest in team work or your business.
And in this economy, how much time are you spending performing hourly functions? I feel your pain! I spent over 30 years as a restaurant manager until I was told my services were no longer needed.
For a long time I enjoyed it, fun atmosphere, meeting interesting people and I was good at it.
At some point it became just a job, something that paid the bills.
I realized I was on a dead end street.
With this declining economy, I am sure many of you have been forced to think outside the box to find creative ways to save money.
Well over a year ago I eliminated all bussing positions, many shifts ran without a dishwasher and one day a week this 53 year old grandfather was running the grill.
I realized there was no way I could keep this pace up for the next twelve years until I was ready for retirement.
I made a decent living, own my own house, but not a lot extra.
I basically had no retirement.
If you have seen the statements that Social Security sends out every year, no way that monthly check was going to pay the bills.
I new I had to find something else.
I refused to ever work in a restaurant again.
Long story short, I found an awesome opportunity that has changed my life.
I started a turn-key online business from home that has vastly improved my lifestyle.
This is a legitimate business opportunity and a great way to escape the restaurant rut.
Life is too short to work your tail off for someone else and end up with little for yourself.
If you are ready to escape and live the lifestyle of your dreams, I would be more than happy to show you the way.