Will the Future Civil War Be the Capitalists Versus the Socialists - Which Side Will You Fight On?
Surely, it's not possible that there will be another Civil War the United States of America.
Most people would agree that it is an impossibility, and I used to be one of those people until I realized that our nation is being hijacked by socialists.
Over the last three decades I've been watching this trend and I've been quite bothered by it all.
Every time the citizens want something, some politician gets up at a podium and says; "if you elect me, I will make sure that you have all this free stuff you want.
" Then to get all that free stuff, as he promised in his campaign, he must tax the rich, and those that are productive.
He must raise payroll taxes, taxes on small-business people, taxes on corporations, and increase the taxes on the rich.
As this happens there are fewer rich people, fewer small businesses, and fewer people employed that are paying into the system.
Eventually there are more poor people, and poor people are the ones who are receiving, not the ones paying into the system.
At some point there won't be enough rich people to pay for all the demands of all of the poor people, the people we made poor due to our mismanagement of our society, when we should have left well-enough alone.
If we keep on this current path soon the poor people will get very pissed off because they didn't get what they were promised by the politician which have been busy stealing from the rich and giving to the poor.
Now then, you might like the story of Robin Hood, but make no mistake like Hitler, Robin Hood was a socialist.
So you ask will there be a future Civil War the United States? Well, as I said previously I didn't think so, but now I'm not so sure.
If there is a Civil War it won't be against the North and the South, it will be against the capitalists and the socialist.
That is to say it will be a Civil War of those who want to get free stuff, and those that have been busy producing.
Now then, I ask you which side you will find on? Will you refuse to pick up a weapon to defend your family against those that want to take everything you have? Will you join in with those that don't have anything because our economy has been ruined by the socialists, and get in with the big mob and masses to ransack, and pilferage from the rich? At that point, the definition of rich will have drastically changed to mean anyone who is left in the middle class, because there will be so many poor people due too bad government decisions.
It could be a terrible scene.
It's not that I wish to scare anybody.
I hope it will never come to pass, but those are the events and destination where this dead-end road goes if we continue on this path.
I suspect we won't because I think people are smarter than that, and can see that we're driving towards a cliff, but you never know.
Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think.
Most people would agree that it is an impossibility, and I used to be one of those people until I realized that our nation is being hijacked by socialists.
Over the last three decades I've been watching this trend and I've been quite bothered by it all.
Every time the citizens want something, some politician gets up at a podium and says; "if you elect me, I will make sure that you have all this free stuff you want.
" Then to get all that free stuff, as he promised in his campaign, he must tax the rich, and those that are productive.
He must raise payroll taxes, taxes on small-business people, taxes on corporations, and increase the taxes on the rich.
As this happens there are fewer rich people, fewer small businesses, and fewer people employed that are paying into the system.
Eventually there are more poor people, and poor people are the ones who are receiving, not the ones paying into the system.
At some point there won't be enough rich people to pay for all the demands of all of the poor people, the people we made poor due to our mismanagement of our society, when we should have left well-enough alone.
If we keep on this current path soon the poor people will get very pissed off because they didn't get what they were promised by the politician which have been busy stealing from the rich and giving to the poor.
Now then, you might like the story of Robin Hood, but make no mistake like Hitler, Robin Hood was a socialist.
So you ask will there be a future Civil War the United States? Well, as I said previously I didn't think so, but now I'm not so sure.
If there is a Civil War it won't be against the North and the South, it will be against the capitalists and the socialist.
That is to say it will be a Civil War of those who want to get free stuff, and those that have been busy producing.
Now then, I ask you which side you will find on? Will you refuse to pick up a weapon to defend your family against those that want to take everything you have? Will you join in with those that don't have anything because our economy has been ruined by the socialists, and get in with the big mob and masses to ransack, and pilferage from the rich? At that point, the definition of rich will have drastically changed to mean anyone who is left in the middle class, because there will be so many poor people due too bad government decisions.
It could be a terrible scene.
It's not that I wish to scare anybody.
I hope it will never come to pass, but those are the events and destination where this dead-end road goes if we continue on this path.
I suspect we won't because I think people are smarter than that, and can see that we're driving towards a cliff, but you never know.
Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think.