Jewish Dance Steps
- The Hora is danced on repeating six beats of music. The dance begins by stepping onto the left foot, then placing the right foot behind the left.The dancer must then step out onto the left foot, followed by kicking the right foot up and out in the air. After the left kick, weight is placed back on the right foot and then the left foot is kicked out into the air. Repeat this combination for the length of the dance. Often the participants in the dance hold handles in a line formation or circle.
- The Freylekhs is another well-known Jewish dance that can be seen performed in old films and movies. An adaptation of the dance is still visible today during celebrations like weddings and bar and bat mitzvahs. Freylekhs begins with the participants in a line or circle formation. The dance has a loose concept in that everyone steps in their own way and direction to the music. There is some structure to the steps, however. The steps themselves consist of a shuffling and scuffing walk, a two-step and alternating feet stepping and stamping to the beat. The dance formation can travel due to the moving dancers, either rotating in a circle or snaking around the room in a winding line.
The Hora Steps