Hen House Plans - Keeping Your Hen Safe and Healthy
Have you ever thought of keeping chickens at your home? Most people would laugh at the idea of keeping chickens as pets.
I had a good laugh when my husband first suggested it.
But after some thought, I realize that it does make good sense to raise some bantams.
One of the benefits is the fresh organic eggs that the hens produce.
Our household consumes quite a number of eggs a week.
Having our own chicken in the backyard can actually save us money.
Depending of the age and the health of a hen, she is capable of producing 5 to 6 eggs a week.
If you raise half a dozen healthy hens, you would not have to purchase eggs from the store anymore.
Unfortunately, due to their small size, chickens are exposed to many kinds of predators.
Cats, dog, large rats, raccoon etc have a tendency to attack and kill chickens.
To keep your hens safe and healthy, it is best to keep them in a coop.
If you have the budget, you can purchase a premade coop.
If you are good with hand tools, you can make one via a Do It Yourself (DIY) approach.
What you need is some hen house plans.
Why do you need a chicken house design blueprints? Firstly, it will give you a good idea of the end result.
You'll want to know if the coop will meet your requirement.
By having a hen house plan, you will also know how much building material you have to acquire.
Building a chicken coop is not simply hammering few pieces of wood sections together.
There are a few features such as feed dispenser, water dispenser, perches, lighting, ventilation etc that has to be included.
A chicken coop may look simple, but everything is build for a purpose.
I had a good laugh when my husband first suggested it.
But after some thought, I realize that it does make good sense to raise some bantams.
One of the benefits is the fresh organic eggs that the hens produce.
Our household consumes quite a number of eggs a week.
Having our own chicken in the backyard can actually save us money.
Depending of the age and the health of a hen, she is capable of producing 5 to 6 eggs a week.
If you raise half a dozen healthy hens, you would not have to purchase eggs from the store anymore.
Unfortunately, due to their small size, chickens are exposed to many kinds of predators.
Cats, dog, large rats, raccoon etc have a tendency to attack and kill chickens.
To keep your hens safe and healthy, it is best to keep them in a coop.
If you have the budget, you can purchase a premade coop.
If you are good with hand tools, you can make one via a Do It Yourself (DIY) approach.
What you need is some hen house plans.
Why do you need a chicken house design blueprints? Firstly, it will give you a good idea of the end result.
You'll want to know if the coop will meet your requirement.
By having a hen house plan, you will also know how much building material you have to acquire.
Building a chicken coop is not simply hammering few pieces of wood sections together.
There are a few features such as feed dispenser, water dispenser, perches, lighting, ventilation etc that has to be included.
A chicken coop may look simple, but everything is build for a purpose.