Money Doesn"t Grow On Trees
President Bush understands this fact and that is why he uses printing presses instead.
The Federal Government seems to print money at will whenever they feel the need.
The Fed devalues the dollar in order to pay for things that they should not be paying for.
They find out how much something will cost and just print the money required to make that purchase.
In somewhat distant memory the United States dollar was actually worth something.
The dollar was backed by gold hard cash.
Whoa, I apologize...
I mean cold hard cash was as good as gold because it was backed by gold.
Franklin D.
Roosevelt needed to take the dollar off of the gold standard to get us out of the depression.
He actually went as far as to ban the ownership of gold unless it was in the form of jewelry.
At that point in time, anyone in economics will tell you that the Country needed an infusion of cash because there was just not enough to go around.
So by printing money and actually devaluing the dollar, workers could be paid again.
Work programs would never have been started if the Government could not afford to pay their workers.
Today, there are just way too many paper bills in the United States economy.
The U.
has so many bills that the dollar is, in fact, worth less than the Canadian dollar.
The Government has promised more and more rate cuts to help "spur" the economy.
The Government might actually be sending people money for doing nothing in order to "boost" the economy.
This will, of course, just devalue the dollar further.
Rate cuts and bribes to spend from the Government do nothing more than spur the economy for just a short while...
In all seriousness, is a nine trillion dollar national debt not enough? Do we really need to print more money to just turn around and give more away? This makes the money that we already have and for once trying to save, just worth less.
We really do not need to go back to the gold standard.
We really just need to bunker down and accept this recession and hope the economy solves it self, which it will.
The only thing that hinders the economy is the Government...
Rate cuts, pointless giveaways, and even more pointless spending is the only thing that is hindering the economy from fixing itself for the long term.
While going back to the gold hard cash system may be drastic, it may be the only system that can actually stop the Government from continuously trying to conduct the economy.
The Federal Government seems to print money at will whenever they feel the need.
The Fed devalues the dollar in order to pay for things that they should not be paying for.
They find out how much something will cost and just print the money required to make that purchase.
In somewhat distant memory the United States dollar was actually worth something.
The dollar was backed by gold hard cash.
Whoa, I apologize...
I mean cold hard cash was as good as gold because it was backed by gold.
Franklin D.
Roosevelt needed to take the dollar off of the gold standard to get us out of the depression.
He actually went as far as to ban the ownership of gold unless it was in the form of jewelry.
At that point in time, anyone in economics will tell you that the Country needed an infusion of cash because there was just not enough to go around.
So by printing money and actually devaluing the dollar, workers could be paid again.
Work programs would never have been started if the Government could not afford to pay their workers.
Today, there are just way too many paper bills in the United States economy.
The U.
has so many bills that the dollar is, in fact, worth less than the Canadian dollar.
The Government has promised more and more rate cuts to help "spur" the economy.
The Government might actually be sending people money for doing nothing in order to "boost" the economy.
This will, of course, just devalue the dollar further.
Rate cuts and bribes to spend from the Government do nothing more than spur the economy for just a short while...
In all seriousness, is a nine trillion dollar national debt not enough? Do we really need to print more money to just turn around and give more away? This makes the money that we already have and for once trying to save, just worth less.
We really do not need to go back to the gold standard.
We really just need to bunker down and accept this recession and hope the economy solves it self, which it will.
The only thing that hinders the economy is the Government...
Rate cuts, pointless giveaways, and even more pointless spending is the only thing that is hindering the economy from fixing itself for the long term.
While going back to the gold hard cash system may be drastic, it may be the only system that can actually stop the Government from continuously trying to conduct the economy.