How to Beat Game #8 of Freecell
- 1). Move the ten from the sixth to the seventh column.
- 2). Empty the eighth column by moving the two to a freecell, the four to the fifth column and the six to the sixth column.
- 3). Take the king of hearts to the eighth column, and the nine above it to the seventh column. Take the queen above that to the eighth column and the rest of the cards in the second column to freecells. Take everything from the jack on down in the seventh column to that now empty column.
- 4). Move the jack from the fourth to the eighth column so the five and four in the fifth column can replace it in the fourth column and the ten in the fifth column can go on top of that jack just moved to the last column.
- 5). Empty out the third column by moving the eight of clubs to the fifth column, the four of hearts to the suit pile, the nine to the eighth column, the seven to the fifth column and the eight of hearts to the second column.
- 6). Take the seven and six from the sixth column to the second column, the ten above them to the third column and finish the sixth column by moving the five to the second column.
- 7). Build the third column by moving the nine, eight and seven from the fifth column and the six from the first column.
- 8). Focus on the first column by moving the queen of clubs and the jack of hearts to the fifth column, the queen of hearts to a freecell and the eight and seven to the eighth column.
- 9). Shift the six of clubs to the eighth column and the eight of diamonds to the suit pile. Take the queen from the seventh column to the first and move the jack in the fourth column into a freecell.