I Have a Slow Computer - Do I Need a New Antivirus?
A slow computer is one of the surest signs that you have picked up a bug.
If you already have an antivirus installed on the machine there are several reasons why it might have missed the particular bug that you have.
Antivirus software is not capable of recognizing every single Trojan, malware, spyware, virus that is currently circulating around the internet.
To be honest with you, the people that make the bad things like the viruses are staying ahead of the people who make the antivirus cures for them.
You can compare it to a super bug that has become immune to antibiotics.
Whenever these superbugs get resistant to the antibiotics that were normally used to treat them, the doctor's try to new medicines, until they find one that works.
There is not one antibiotic than can destroy every infection that attacks the human body.
There is not an antivirus available today that can eradicate every malicious computer virus.
The manufacturers of the antivirus software programs work constantly to be able to identify more potential threats and find solutions for more malware attacks.
They release updates for their software applications so the customers that already have their software will benefit from the latest things they have learned to stop.
If you are not updating your antivirus software then you are making it unable to do the job it was designed to do.
When you install a new version of antivirus software it seems that it automatically finds some things the other software did not eradicate.
This does not necessarily mean that the new program is better than the old program.
It means that the new system did recognize something as a threat that the old software did not.
Once again, updating the software that you have will allow you to better protect from attacks.
You should note that when you have problems with your computer that do not seem to be recognized as malware by your antivirus you might have to go to a professional technician and have computer repair done.
The professionals often have different malware removal tools and they charge you a slight charge to remove anything they find infecting your system.
Whenever there seems to be no other alternative you can remove the operating system from the computer and reinstall an operating system that you know is not infected with a virus.
This is a last resort effort to save the machine.
If you already have an antivirus installed on the machine there are several reasons why it might have missed the particular bug that you have.
Antivirus software is not capable of recognizing every single Trojan, malware, spyware, virus that is currently circulating around the internet.
To be honest with you, the people that make the bad things like the viruses are staying ahead of the people who make the antivirus cures for them.
You can compare it to a super bug that has become immune to antibiotics.
Whenever these superbugs get resistant to the antibiotics that were normally used to treat them, the doctor's try to new medicines, until they find one that works.
There is not one antibiotic than can destroy every infection that attacks the human body.
There is not an antivirus available today that can eradicate every malicious computer virus.
The manufacturers of the antivirus software programs work constantly to be able to identify more potential threats and find solutions for more malware attacks.
They release updates for their software applications so the customers that already have their software will benefit from the latest things they have learned to stop.
If you are not updating your antivirus software then you are making it unable to do the job it was designed to do.
When you install a new version of antivirus software it seems that it automatically finds some things the other software did not eradicate.
This does not necessarily mean that the new program is better than the old program.
It means that the new system did recognize something as a threat that the old software did not.
Once again, updating the software that you have will allow you to better protect from attacks.
You should note that when you have problems with your computer that do not seem to be recognized as malware by your antivirus you might have to go to a professional technician and have computer repair done.
The professionals often have different malware removal tools and they charge you a slight charge to remove anything they find infecting your system.
Whenever there seems to be no other alternative you can remove the operating system from the computer and reinstall an operating system that you know is not infected with a virus.
This is a last resort effort to save the machine.