Congestion & Rapid Breathing in a Child
- Count the breaths taken during one minute. Rapid breathing is defined as over 60 breaths per minute for a newborn, 50 or more for an infant two to twelve months old, and 40 or more for a child over 1 year of age.
- When congestion is accompanied by rapid breathing, the possible causes are fever, RSV infection, asthma, bronchiolitis, bronchitis and pneumonia. See a doctor to get a proper diagnosis.
- Offer plenty of liquids, use a humidifier and apply saline nose drops to clear chest and nasal congestion. If the child is too young to blow her nose, use a suction bulb.
- Do not give cold medications to a child under 4 years of age, unless directed by a doctor, says Avoid drugs that contain multiple ingredients. The more ingredients listed, the more likely it is that a child will experience a negative side effect.
- A child needs emergency care if he has severe difficulty breathing, grunts with each breath, cannot speak or cry due to labored breathing, has bluish lips or passes out.
What is Rapid Breathing?