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What is Stored in the Windows Registry?

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The Windows registry contains a huge amount of the most different data that is crucial for the correct execution of your PC operating system and all the hardware and software installed on it.
Each entry is stored as a so called key-value pair and consists of a unique key and data stored in the form of a number or string.
The question is what really is contained within these entries? First of all, the registry system contains entries and settings of nearly every program that is installed on your computer.
Those entries might contain software version numbers, uninstall information or, in general, settings that describe how a program should behave.
The data stored in such registry keys is essential for a smooth execution of these programs.
The Windows registry also includes information on your currently installed system hardware like a graphics card or harddrive for example.
Furthermore it contains up to date kernel information like currently active hardware, debugging output or certain counters and is therefore a quite important piece in a whole computer architecture.
In the case those entries get corrupted, the PC usually begins to show malfunctions and the affected hardware has to be re-installed.
User specific settings and profiles are collected within the registry database as well.
Those entries include, but are not limited to control panel settings, file associations or system policies and play a major part in contributing to the complexity and effectiveness of the Windows operating system.
Just like with any other key that is stored in the database, if a certain and crucial entry gets corrupted, the whole system could fail or at least slow down.
The Windows registry is a huge collection of different software and hardware based settings that are crucial for a proper execution of your PC's operating system and installed programs.
The shear size of the registry makes it also prone to certain errors and fragmentation of the included data, so it is often times also necessary to clean up the registry for a stable and performant computer system.

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