Economic Bailout - Our Country, Our Economy, and Your Future
Government economic bailouts, foreclosure, rising unemployment rates, war and lives being lose, huge mega banks going under - everywhere you turn, the news always seems to be bad.
Most people consider this to be the worst of all times.
But as I have always taught you, things could always be worse! Let's take a look back through history.
In September of 1873 America's economy entered a crisis known as the Panic of 1873.
This period was also known as "The Long Depression"; however, this period did not last longer than the "Great Depression".
During this time, Jay Cooke & Company, which was a major component of the United States banking establishment, had to file bankruptcy, resulting in a chain of bank failures and the New York stock market closed temporarily.
Of the 364 railroads, which the US economy revolved around, 89 went bankrupt.
A total of 18,000 businesses failed between 1873 and 1875.
The unemployment rate reached 14% by 1876.
Construction work lagged, wages were cut, real estate values fell and corporate profits vanished.
On October 29, 1929 when the US stock market crashed, the day was termed "Black Tuesday".
Most historians believe that this started the Great Depression of the 1930s.
During the Great Depression, more than 9,000 banks went out of business and the unemployment rate was more than 25%.
That's right, 1 out of every 4 Americans were jobless! By 1933, people who had deposited money in banks had lost $140 billion in deposits nationwide.
During this time there was no "FDIC", your money wasn't insured so if a bank went out of business, you lost your money! Today, although things could certainly be better, the unemployment rate is around 6.
1% nationally and only 40 banks have went under since this financial crisis started last year.
We're not anywhere near the situation as the Panic of 1873 or the Great Depression, but there are plenty of lessons to learn from that history.
And the biggest one is that most all of the great economists of our time who have studied that period agree that the financial conditions WERE NOT bad enough to warrant what happened.
It was caused by FEAR! That's why in 1933; Franklin D.
Roosevelt said those now famous words "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
" Which by the way, those words were suggested to him by Napoleon Hill, author of the classic Think and Grow Rich.
The reason why the economy seems to steadily be going backwards today is because the media makes it seem as though the "sky is falling".
Not only the media but even some government officials speak publicly about how these economic times are some of the worst in history and are probably going to get worse.
This kind of ideology and philosophy will surely drive us back into some of the most blemished economic times in our history.
In my blog dated September 21st I talked about turning negatives into positives.
The 1st step in this process I explained was to "Stop reading the negative press in the newspaper and watching the TV news".
It is beyond my comprehension how so many conservative intellectuals run these large media companies and they continuously run this negative media that is driving our country into mental bondage! The more FEAR that is instilled into the minds of Americans, the less likely they are to seek opportunity and invest back into the great country that gave us the capitalistic society that we have grown to love and prosper in over the last several decades.
This was the reason for the largest single day point loss ever in stock market history.
On September 27, 2008, earlier this week, the Dow slipped 778 points and the market value lost approximately $1.
2 trillion, ALL IN ONE DAY! Why did this happen, because of the much anticipated response from the US House of Representatives that voted to reject the $700 billion bank bailout plan.
President George W.
Bush announced on national television days earlier that a rejection of the bill would send our economy into a possible depression and results would be disastrous for the American people.
So naturally when the bill was not passed, mostly everyone panicked and that was clearly evident with the results of the closing bell on Wall Street on the 27th.
After most investors and the American people had time to calm down, the stocks rose again the next day.
I personally believe that the media also began to realize how the news itself was causing massive fear and the tone of all of this started to change.
The "Bailout Bill" itself was modified, and then passed a few days ago.
Since the government has passed this the bailout to rescue these failing financial institutions, I am asking everyone that is reading this to help me initiate the next bailout they should push in the media - THE US MENTAL BAILOUT! It will start with you - right now! You have to understand that things will get better starting with you getting better! You have to understand that things will change, starting with you changing! There is no better time to start than right now! I got better and I my life changed forever when I realized this! 2 Tips to start NOW! 1.
Your beliefs become your reality! If you start to change your beliefs, your reality will start to change.
Your philosophy will equal your income! Since this is true then you should have a philosophy of HIGH expectations.
There is the same number of opportunities today as a few years ago and possibly more, you just have to find them.
Because of the economic conditions, the opportunities may have shifted to different industries and more favorable to one industry versus the other but, believe me, opportunities are still out there! In 1929 following the crash of Wall Street, John D.
Rockefeller said, "These are days when many are discouraged.
In the 93 years of my life, depressions have come and gone.
Prosperity has always returned and will again.
" Not only has opportunity thrived after major US economic offsets, but several prominent companies have started during these times.
In 1876, Thomas Edison opened a laboratory and invented the incandescent electric lamp, which started the 1st half of General Electric.
All of this happened during the Panic of 1873.
Today General Electric, also known as GE, is the world's 6th largest company! In 1934, in the middle of the Great Depression, Bill Hewlett and David Packard started what is today the largest technology company in the world - HP.
You have probably owned a computer or printer made by their company.
Bill Gates and Paul Allen started Microsoft during the recession of 1975.
Obviously most of us know that these 2 gentlemen are BILLIONAIRES today! Who will the historians be talking about at the end of this century? How will your family remember you coming out of these mildly troubled economic times in the years to come? These individuals weren't listening to the naysayers and the media...
and neither should you.
I know this and understand this.
You have to know this and understand this as well.
The faster you internalize this and spread the word, the faster your own economy and your own future will be altered to receive the life of abundance you are looking for and you deserve.
Always remember, the key to life change is not inspiration or motivation, but the key to life change is education! Stay informed, stay consistent, stay plugged in, and you will begin to create the future that you have always wanted! God Bless and Good Luck in your endeavors!
Most people consider this to be the worst of all times.
But as I have always taught you, things could always be worse! Let's take a look back through history.
In September of 1873 America's economy entered a crisis known as the Panic of 1873.
This period was also known as "The Long Depression"; however, this period did not last longer than the "Great Depression".
During this time, Jay Cooke & Company, which was a major component of the United States banking establishment, had to file bankruptcy, resulting in a chain of bank failures and the New York stock market closed temporarily.
Of the 364 railroads, which the US economy revolved around, 89 went bankrupt.
A total of 18,000 businesses failed between 1873 and 1875.
The unemployment rate reached 14% by 1876.
Construction work lagged, wages were cut, real estate values fell and corporate profits vanished.
On October 29, 1929 when the US stock market crashed, the day was termed "Black Tuesday".
Most historians believe that this started the Great Depression of the 1930s.
During the Great Depression, more than 9,000 banks went out of business and the unemployment rate was more than 25%.
That's right, 1 out of every 4 Americans were jobless! By 1933, people who had deposited money in banks had lost $140 billion in deposits nationwide.
During this time there was no "FDIC", your money wasn't insured so if a bank went out of business, you lost your money! Today, although things could certainly be better, the unemployment rate is around 6.
1% nationally and only 40 banks have went under since this financial crisis started last year.
We're not anywhere near the situation as the Panic of 1873 or the Great Depression, but there are plenty of lessons to learn from that history.
And the biggest one is that most all of the great economists of our time who have studied that period agree that the financial conditions WERE NOT bad enough to warrant what happened.
It was caused by FEAR! That's why in 1933; Franklin D.
Roosevelt said those now famous words "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
" Which by the way, those words were suggested to him by Napoleon Hill, author of the classic Think and Grow Rich.
The reason why the economy seems to steadily be going backwards today is because the media makes it seem as though the "sky is falling".
Not only the media but even some government officials speak publicly about how these economic times are some of the worst in history and are probably going to get worse.
This kind of ideology and philosophy will surely drive us back into some of the most blemished economic times in our history.
In my blog dated September 21st I talked about turning negatives into positives.
The 1st step in this process I explained was to "Stop reading the negative press in the newspaper and watching the TV news".
It is beyond my comprehension how so many conservative intellectuals run these large media companies and they continuously run this negative media that is driving our country into mental bondage! The more FEAR that is instilled into the minds of Americans, the less likely they are to seek opportunity and invest back into the great country that gave us the capitalistic society that we have grown to love and prosper in over the last several decades.
This was the reason for the largest single day point loss ever in stock market history.
On September 27, 2008, earlier this week, the Dow slipped 778 points and the market value lost approximately $1.
2 trillion, ALL IN ONE DAY! Why did this happen, because of the much anticipated response from the US House of Representatives that voted to reject the $700 billion bank bailout plan.
President George W.
Bush announced on national television days earlier that a rejection of the bill would send our economy into a possible depression and results would be disastrous for the American people.
So naturally when the bill was not passed, mostly everyone panicked and that was clearly evident with the results of the closing bell on Wall Street on the 27th.
After most investors and the American people had time to calm down, the stocks rose again the next day.
I personally believe that the media also began to realize how the news itself was causing massive fear and the tone of all of this started to change.
The "Bailout Bill" itself was modified, and then passed a few days ago.
Since the government has passed this the bailout to rescue these failing financial institutions, I am asking everyone that is reading this to help me initiate the next bailout they should push in the media - THE US MENTAL BAILOUT! It will start with you - right now! You have to understand that things will get better starting with you getting better! You have to understand that things will change, starting with you changing! There is no better time to start than right now! I got better and I my life changed forever when I realized this! 2 Tips to start NOW! 1.
Your beliefs become your reality! If you start to change your beliefs, your reality will start to change.
Your philosophy will equal your income! Since this is true then you should have a philosophy of HIGH expectations.
There is the same number of opportunities today as a few years ago and possibly more, you just have to find them.
Because of the economic conditions, the opportunities may have shifted to different industries and more favorable to one industry versus the other but, believe me, opportunities are still out there! In 1929 following the crash of Wall Street, John D.
Rockefeller said, "These are days when many are discouraged.
In the 93 years of my life, depressions have come and gone.
Prosperity has always returned and will again.
" Not only has opportunity thrived after major US economic offsets, but several prominent companies have started during these times.
In 1876, Thomas Edison opened a laboratory and invented the incandescent electric lamp, which started the 1st half of General Electric.
All of this happened during the Panic of 1873.
Today General Electric, also known as GE, is the world's 6th largest company! In 1934, in the middle of the Great Depression, Bill Hewlett and David Packard started what is today the largest technology company in the world - HP.
You have probably owned a computer or printer made by their company.
Bill Gates and Paul Allen started Microsoft during the recession of 1975.
Obviously most of us know that these 2 gentlemen are BILLIONAIRES today! Who will the historians be talking about at the end of this century? How will your family remember you coming out of these mildly troubled economic times in the years to come? These individuals weren't listening to the naysayers and the media...
and neither should you.
I know this and understand this.
You have to know this and understand this as well.
The faster you internalize this and spread the word, the faster your own economy and your own future will be altered to receive the life of abundance you are looking for and you deserve.
Always remember, the key to life change is not inspiration or motivation, but the key to life change is education! Stay informed, stay consistent, stay plugged in, and you will begin to create the future that you have always wanted! God Bless and Good Luck in your endeavors!