Five Steps to Cure the Cause of Bad Breath
For the majority of people that suffer from recurring, chronic bad breath, other wise known as halitosis, there is a massive need to find a way to quickly cure the cause of bad breath in order to eliminate this embarrassing problem because of the nasty social stigma attached to it.
The primary cause of bad breath in most cases in an excessive amount of bacteria growing within the mouth and usually congregated on the tongue.
Fighting this problem therefore requires us to attack these bacteria directly.
Here are five simple steps you can take to do just that.
1) Be sure to floss and brush properly and for a full two minutes as this will ensure any food particles the bacteria could have used are removed.
2) The bacteria that cause bad breath often live under a layer of mucus where they thrive in an anaerobic environment.
We need to clear away the mucus and the bacteria by cleaning the area with a tongue scraper.
3) Antibacterial mouthwash can then be used to attack the remaining bacteria directly.
4) In order to prevent the bacteria coming back we need to make the mouth as inhospitable as possible.
We can do this by keeping the area moist and preventing dry mouth by drinking plenty of water and avoiding diuretics like coffee and alcohol.
5) These bacteria will also thrive in an acidic environment and so it is imperative we do not allow this to develop.
We can do this by avoiding acidic foods like orange juice and using toothpastes and moth washes that contain baking soda as it helps to neutralise the acid.
By following these simple steps we can address the main cause of bad breath, anaerobic bacteria.
The primary cause of bad breath in most cases in an excessive amount of bacteria growing within the mouth and usually congregated on the tongue.
Fighting this problem therefore requires us to attack these bacteria directly.
Here are five simple steps you can take to do just that.
1) Be sure to floss and brush properly and for a full two minutes as this will ensure any food particles the bacteria could have used are removed.
2) The bacteria that cause bad breath often live under a layer of mucus where they thrive in an anaerobic environment.
We need to clear away the mucus and the bacteria by cleaning the area with a tongue scraper.
3) Antibacterial mouthwash can then be used to attack the remaining bacteria directly.
4) In order to prevent the bacteria coming back we need to make the mouth as inhospitable as possible.
We can do this by keeping the area moist and preventing dry mouth by drinking plenty of water and avoiding diuretics like coffee and alcohol.
5) These bacteria will also thrive in an acidic environment and so it is imperative we do not allow this to develop.
We can do this by avoiding acidic foods like orange juice and using toothpastes and moth washes that contain baking soda as it helps to neutralise the acid.
By following these simple steps we can address the main cause of bad breath, anaerobic bacteria.