Home Remedies for Horse Hooves
- Linseed oil is an excellent natural source for the health of your horse's hoof. Not only can you feed it to the horse, increasing his source of omega fatty acids, which will help heal the hoof from the inside out, you can smear it on the outside of a dry, cracked hoof, and it will absorb into the wall of the hoof, softening and preventing further cracks. Linseed oil is a must for horse owners.
- Thrush is a common problem for horse owners. When a horse's hoof stays wet and becomes exposed to bacteria, thrush is the common result. This infection of the frog and surrounding tissue can cause pain, swelling and -- even more serious -- infection. Mixing a solution of bleach water at a ratio of half and half will kill the bacteria and the thrush infection. Just take care to only apply it to the infection and not the surrounding tissues, as it will burn.
- This sticky, gooey substance can appear unpleasant, but old-time horse owners swear by it. Taken from the resin of the pine trees and naturally occurring tar, it can be smeared across the hoof wall and the sole of the hoof. The main purpose of pine tar is to help the hoof retain moisture, which in turn keeps it supple and less apt to crack or bruise.
- There are several herbs that have been shown to promote the overall health of the hoof of the horse. Some of these are arnica, horsetail, wintergreen oil and comfrey. When applied both topically and orally, these herbs can have a beneficial healing effect on the tissues of the hoof, both inside and out. Keeping the hoof clean and dry on the sole while moisturizing the wall of the hoof will go a long way towards keeping your horse's hoof healthy and strong.
Linseed Oil
Bleach Water
Pine Tar