Is Bottled Water Really A Safe And Healthy Alternative?
Everywhere you look these days you see people carrying around bottled water. Advertisements are everywhere, promoting the health benefits of drinking this or that brand. According to consumer statistics we drank over eight billion gallons of bottled water in 2006, we can only imagine how much higher that number is now. But a few questions come to mind. How safe is bottled water and where exactly does the water come from that is used in this product? Not only that, but just how safe is the plastic bottle that the water is packaged in and what is the environmental impact of the discarded container?
The source of many high end brands of bottled water do indeed come from spring water or other pristine sources. But many people are shocked to learn that over 25% of the bottled water brands use local municipal water as the source for their product. That's right, over a quarter of the bottled water sold is nothing more than supposedly purified tap water. Some people are fine with this since the water is filtered and the bottler claims it is much safer than water straight from the tap. But, the fact is that in tests run on several brands it was found that the product contained just as many pollutants and micro organisms as regular tap water.
Another concern is the plastic bottle itself. It has been found that chemicals used to produce the bottles actually leach into the water over time. Especially if the water is stored for a period of time in the heat or exposed to sunlight. The effects of these chemicals can lead to the consumer actually becoming ill with symptoms such as nausea, diarrhea and vomiting. Some of the chemicals may even cause neurological disorders in fetuses, babies and children. The environmental impact of producing the plastic bottles is also troubling. Making the bottles requires fossil fuels and electricity which create pollution. Not to mention the waste of water involved. According to one source, for every liter of water on the store shelves it took at least two to produce the product.
The other factor to consider is the cost. Drinking bottled water is an expensive habit when compared to tap water. A gallon of bottled water actually costs more than a gallon of gas, even at today's prices.
When one considers the possible health risks and the cost, both monetary and environmental of drinking bottled water there has to be an alternative. There is a way to make sure that the water you drink is safe and doesn't put a dent in your finances. The most economical and safest method is to filter your water with a diy tap water filter. Not one of the store bought filters that cost big money initially and continue costing you as long as you use it, but a filter that you build which will remove practically all pollutants and organisims, even those not regulated or specified by government regulations.
A diy tap water filter is easy to construct with the proper plans, is not expensive to build and even someone with no do it yourself experience can complete the project with no problems. The benefits of the homemade water filter are that it will provide years of clean, safe water before any maintenance is required, up to 12 years or 6000 gallons of purified water depending on the amount you use each year, and the peace of mind that comes from knowing that your water is safe and healthy for your family.
The source of many high end brands of bottled water do indeed come from spring water or other pristine sources. But many people are shocked to learn that over 25% of the bottled water brands use local municipal water as the source for their product. That's right, over a quarter of the bottled water sold is nothing more than supposedly purified tap water. Some people are fine with this since the water is filtered and the bottler claims it is much safer than water straight from the tap. But, the fact is that in tests run on several brands it was found that the product contained just as many pollutants and micro organisms as regular tap water.
Another concern is the plastic bottle itself. It has been found that chemicals used to produce the bottles actually leach into the water over time. Especially if the water is stored for a period of time in the heat or exposed to sunlight. The effects of these chemicals can lead to the consumer actually becoming ill with symptoms such as nausea, diarrhea and vomiting. Some of the chemicals may even cause neurological disorders in fetuses, babies and children. The environmental impact of producing the plastic bottles is also troubling. Making the bottles requires fossil fuels and electricity which create pollution. Not to mention the waste of water involved. According to one source, for every liter of water on the store shelves it took at least two to produce the product.
The other factor to consider is the cost. Drinking bottled water is an expensive habit when compared to tap water. A gallon of bottled water actually costs more than a gallon of gas, even at today's prices.
When one considers the possible health risks and the cost, both monetary and environmental of drinking bottled water there has to be an alternative. There is a way to make sure that the water you drink is safe and doesn't put a dent in your finances. The most economical and safest method is to filter your water with a diy tap water filter. Not one of the store bought filters that cost big money initially and continue costing you as long as you use it, but a filter that you build which will remove practically all pollutants and organisims, even those not regulated or specified by government regulations.
A diy tap water filter is easy to construct with the proper plans, is not expensive to build and even someone with no do it yourself experience can complete the project with no problems. The benefits of the homemade water filter are that it will provide years of clean, safe water before any maintenance is required, up to 12 years or 6000 gallons of purified water depending on the amount you use each year, and the peace of mind that comes from knowing that your water is safe and healthy for your family.