Dry, Persistent Cough in Child Remedies
- A great way to start fighting a cough is to use an antitussive cough syrup, and the best one out there right now is pediatric robitussin or the generic form called tussin dm. Antitussives cling to your child's throat, easing the pain and hydrating the airways that have become dried out. When your child wakes up in the morning, give him a tablespoon of the syrup and it will stop the cough for the better part of the morning hours. As they feel the urge to cough throughout the day, give them another tablespoon or follow the instructions on the bottle.
- A dry cough is caused by your airways becoming too brittle and dry, so logically if you rehydrate the airways, the cough should stop. A great way to do that is to have a humidifier running in your child's room to help promote a higher moisture rate in the room. As your child breathes in the air in their now moisture heightened room, their lungs will rehydrate and subdue their cough. As their lungs rehydrate, the natural mucus being made to coat the lungs will cease being stopped because it isn't needed. This mucus is what is traveling to the stomach, irritating the acid reflux problem they could have. So, in turn both the cough and acid reflux are taken care of.