Why Is Organic Food Better Than Non-Organic?
There's a number of advantages to organic food, and everybody has to put those into their own needs and their own frame of reference.
Sometimes we have to find out why it's personally valuable to us to consider that organic foods have the value that offsets the additional cost that we have to pay for them.
The food that we take into our body is always broken down into nutrients or little particles, and those could all be classified as one of three things: they're either building blocks or fuel, or something that can be converted or recycled into a building block or fuel, or rubbish which is a waste product.
Hopefully the rubbish stays in your digestive system and then it's washed out and leaves as waste, the way a trash should go out.
But sometimes rubbish is absorbed because your body isn't sure whether it can be used as fuel or a building block.
So it really isn't sure of it right then, or it's very small and it passes through the guard because it's not really recognized.
That rubbish is called the toxin.
It's in your body and something will need to be done with it to find a safe way of escorting it out.
The biggest benefit of organic food is that they have less toxins in them; less things that we absorb in to our system that our bodies might not know how to deal with.
We tend to think of toxins as a poison, like a one-dose thing, like you take arsenic or something and you drop dead.
But what really happens is these chemicals add up in our body, and they begin to cause problems over time.
In today's world there are really thousands of them that are being introduced into our environment, into the environment of the food that we eat, absorbed through our skin, and they're placing a burden on our bodies.
Even if they aren't poison, they're junk, and they have to be dealt with.
All that overburdens our bodies so that they can't attend to what they're normally do.
So the most common reason that people decide to go organic is there's just less rubbish that you have to deal with.
There are other good reasons why you should eat organic.
The first one is to realize that many of our modern plants today, the inorganic plants, they simply couldn't grow in nature without a heavy duty chemical support of modern industrial agriculture.
So these plants are extremely fragile and have no natural living vitality oomph and immune system.
Real plant foods that you would find in nature have defense systems.
They're out in the sunshine and sunshine can create damage as well as doing really good things.
So they have to make anti-oxidants to cope with the environment.
When we eat organic food, we take in the strength of that plant into us.
We benefit from how hard they had to fight to survive amidst all the other plants.
So survival of the fittest has taken place in the plants, and organically, that's what we're eating when we eat organic.
Organic is therefore inherently more nourishing, and when we take that in to our body we're able to incorporate it and then we're the fittest.
Another reason why it will be important to eat organic is when we consider what the value is.
A lot of people say, "Well, I would eat organic, but it's a lot more expensive.
" Yes it is a lot more expensive for a number of reasons.
The first of which is, it's actually food, and food costs more than things that aren't food.
So first we have to educate ourselves about how to tell food from food facsimiles.
One thing you should know about organic food is that it doesn't have a long shelf life because it doesn't have preservatives, either in the genes or sprinkled on top.
But real food is something that was once alive and now it's dead, so it really shouldn't stay fresh longer.
One of the indications that's it's real food is it doesn't stay fresh long after it's removed from its life cycle with the earth, so we have to eat it up at that time.
We have to pay for that because there's a lot more loss to the farmer.
Organics rot faster because they're real food.
It's also really hard for these farmers to be able to make a living eeking this out.
They face a lot of pressure from extremely large corporations that really don't want people around doing things like this.
So there's a lot of regulations and things like that that make it really onerous.
It's a real hardship for a lot of the organic farmers to be able to provide us with this.
If we want to have this selection and availability, the only way to do that is to support the farmers.
And that doesn't mean going out and protesting for them.
That means actually buying their food stuff, and not saying "I support you," but really supporting them because they can't continue to do it unless we give them financial support.
Another really important reason to eat organic is that we show our appreciation and our gratitude for the people who are willing to work a lot harder a lot of times, fight a lot harder to provide us with these choices to have real nourishing food, as opposed to some of the other choices that are less expensive but also less nourishing.
But again, value is something that you have to determine personally.
It really takes place over time.
So you might not want to go whole hog all at once.
You just start the process; baby steps.
Another reason to eat organic is that it starts to tie you in to a community of people who care about their food.
And the big reason why we have a hard time eating organic is we feel like we're out there all on our own, that we're spending money.
And what's normal for a human being's brain is when we see we're doing things that other people aren't doing, we wonder if we're making a mistake.
So there's always this little naggy voice inside of you saying "I'm paying for organic.
" But you feel like people might be sort of laughing at you like you're wasting your money on something that really doesn't make a difference.
So when you start to eat organic, you start to open up your world to other people who care about these things and care about the earth.
Looking in to the organic community is a really good because you'll start to learn things and you'll find that you have a support group around you and that you aren't alone.
Sometimes we have to find out why it's personally valuable to us to consider that organic foods have the value that offsets the additional cost that we have to pay for them.
The food that we take into our body is always broken down into nutrients or little particles, and those could all be classified as one of three things: they're either building blocks or fuel, or something that can be converted or recycled into a building block or fuel, or rubbish which is a waste product.
Hopefully the rubbish stays in your digestive system and then it's washed out and leaves as waste, the way a trash should go out.
But sometimes rubbish is absorbed because your body isn't sure whether it can be used as fuel or a building block.
So it really isn't sure of it right then, or it's very small and it passes through the guard because it's not really recognized.
That rubbish is called the toxin.
It's in your body and something will need to be done with it to find a safe way of escorting it out.
The biggest benefit of organic food is that they have less toxins in them; less things that we absorb in to our system that our bodies might not know how to deal with.
We tend to think of toxins as a poison, like a one-dose thing, like you take arsenic or something and you drop dead.
But what really happens is these chemicals add up in our body, and they begin to cause problems over time.
In today's world there are really thousands of them that are being introduced into our environment, into the environment of the food that we eat, absorbed through our skin, and they're placing a burden on our bodies.
Even if they aren't poison, they're junk, and they have to be dealt with.
All that overburdens our bodies so that they can't attend to what they're normally do.
So the most common reason that people decide to go organic is there's just less rubbish that you have to deal with.
There are other good reasons why you should eat organic.
The first one is to realize that many of our modern plants today, the inorganic plants, they simply couldn't grow in nature without a heavy duty chemical support of modern industrial agriculture.
So these plants are extremely fragile and have no natural living vitality oomph and immune system.
Real plant foods that you would find in nature have defense systems.
They're out in the sunshine and sunshine can create damage as well as doing really good things.
So they have to make anti-oxidants to cope with the environment.
When we eat organic food, we take in the strength of that plant into us.
We benefit from how hard they had to fight to survive amidst all the other plants.
So survival of the fittest has taken place in the plants, and organically, that's what we're eating when we eat organic.
Organic is therefore inherently more nourishing, and when we take that in to our body we're able to incorporate it and then we're the fittest.
Another reason why it will be important to eat organic is when we consider what the value is.
A lot of people say, "Well, I would eat organic, but it's a lot more expensive.
" Yes it is a lot more expensive for a number of reasons.
The first of which is, it's actually food, and food costs more than things that aren't food.
So first we have to educate ourselves about how to tell food from food facsimiles.
One thing you should know about organic food is that it doesn't have a long shelf life because it doesn't have preservatives, either in the genes or sprinkled on top.
But real food is something that was once alive and now it's dead, so it really shouldn't stay fresh longer.
One of the indications that's it's real food is it doesn't stay fresh long after it's removed from its life cycle with the earth, so we have to eat it up at that time.
We have to pay for that because there's a lot more loss to the farmer.
Organics rot faster because they're real food.
It's also really hard for these farmers to be able to make a living eeking this out.
They face a lot of pressure from extremely large corporations that really don't want people around doing things like this.
So there's a lot of regulations and things like that that make it really onerous.
It's a real hardship for a lot of the organic farmers to be able to provide us with this.
If we want to have this selection and availability, the only way to do that is to support the farmers.
And that doesn't mean going out and protesting for them.
That means actually buying their food stuff, and not saying "I support you," but really supporting them because they can't continue to do it unless we give them financial support.
Another really important reason to eat organic is that we show our appreciation and our gratitude for the people who are willing to work a lot harder a lot of times, fight a lot harder to provide us with these choices to have real nourishing food, as opposed to some of the other choices that are less expensive but also less nourishing.
But again, value is something that you have to determine personally.
It really takes place over time.
So you might not want to go whole hog all at once.
You just start the process; baby steps.
Another reason to eat organic is that it starts to tie you in to a community of people who care about their food.
And the big reason why we have a hard time eating organic is we feel like we're out there all on our own, that we're spending money.
And what's normal for a human being's brain is when we see we're doing things that other people aren't doing, we wonder if we're making a mistake.
So there's always this little naggy voice inside of you saying "I'm paying for organic.
" But you feel like people might be sort of laughing at you like you're wasting your money on something that really doesn't make a difference.
So when you start to eat organic, you start to open up your world to other people who care about these things and care about the earth.
Looking in to the organic community is a really good because you'll start to learn things and you'll find that you have a support group around you and that you aren't alone.