Warts Removal
Warts are caused by the infection of the human papiloma virus and skin at different places is infected by this virus. The medical fraternity is aware of 130 types of human papiloma virus. The warts are caused by some ten types of the virus. Since this warts are generally harmless hence warts removal is considered when botheration from the warts becomes non acceptable. There are few methods of removing warts. Only in case where the growth is very high and cause other kinds of inconvenience a surgical removal of warts be considered. The other kinds of removal are to remove the warts either by freezing or suffocating.
The most common form of warts is generally removed by these methods. The contagious form of warts like genital warts is treated with medication. The most common method of warts removal is to apply salicylic acid and dilute the protein and then the acid dissolves away the hard skin that covers the wart and also the wart itself. Salicylic acid can be purchased over the counter at any drug store and does not require any kind of medical prescription. This acid can be applied to the infected spot and the warts treatment can be done at home without medical supervision.
The other form of warts removal requires that the person removing the warts is trained. The use of liquid nitrogen to freeze the warts is quite common practice and is very effective against common warts. Since application liquid nitrogen is to be done it is advisable that this be done under medical supervision. The liquid nitrogen reduces the temperature of the area to very low temperature which freezes the wart and hence the wart is removed. Since application of liquid nitrogen can't generally be done at home hence this is not a home remedy for warts removal.
The other popular believe is to suffocate the wart and thus remove it as dead skin. To suffocate the area needs to be covered with duct tapes or electrical tapes so as to obstruct air flow. This obstruction in air flow kills the warts and then the dead skin is removed by natural methods. Warts removal can be done by applying cantheridin oil and thus applying chemical on the wart to cause blister and then the blister is cured. The other methods of removing warts are to burn the warts by laser, these needs to be done under medical supervision.
The most common form of warts is generally removed by these methods. The contagious form of warts like genital warts is treated with medication. The most common method of warts removal is to apply salicylic acid and dilute the protein and then the acid dissolves away the hard skin that covers the wart and also the wart itself. Salicylic acid can be purchased over the counter at any drug store and does not require any kind of medical prescription. This acid can be applied to the infected spot and the warts treatment can be done at home without medical supervision.
The other form of warts removal requires that the person removing the warts is trained. The use of liquid nitrogen to freeze the warts is quite common practice and is very effective against common warts. Since application liquid nitrogen is to be done it is advisable that this be done under medical supervision. The liquid nitrogen reduces the temperature of the area to very low temperature which freezes the wart and hence the wart is removed. Since application of liquid nitrogen can't generally be done at home hence this is not a home remedy for warts removal.
The other popular believe is to suffocate the wart and thus remove it as dead skin. To suffocate the area needs to be covered with duct tapes or electrical tapes so as to obstruct air flow. This obstruction in air flow kills the warts and then the dead skin is removed by natural methods. Warts removal can be done by applying cantheridin oil and thus applying chemical on the wart to cause blister and then the blister is cured. The other methods of removing warts are to burn the warts by laser, these needs to be done under medical supervision.