Understanding Cat Breeds
There are about fifty different breeds of cats, and saying that is one thing but actually taking a look at some of the breeds and understanding them is another because in every cat breed there are a number of differences that make them what they are.
Some cat breeds you can tell apart just by looking, but others you can't.
I'll name off some of the more unusual older breeds Abyssinian, American Bobtail, Maine Coon, and a Bombay all of these cats were discovered around the 1950-1960 but some have been around centuries.
How to tell cat breed apart is very difficult because its base on color of the fur, eyes (sometimes), body structure, and how long the hair is.
Some cats might look all the same to us but they have a rich past and heritage in history.
Some breeds of cats are very old and unusual, but are also the very interesting and even more interesting looking like the Egyptian Mau is the fastest domestic breed of cat and can run at 30 miles per hour or more, and they are also presumed to be one of the original breeds of domestic cat.
So how do we understand and keep up with all these new changing cat breeds? Well you can look up and archive of cats just for fun or you can look at your cats characteristics and check, but one thing is for certain it will be very hard to keep up.
There are a lot of cat breeds out there and some are not recognized by the cat community yet but if you had to determine a breed of cat I'd say be very observant.
Sometimes you can never tell for example there are three types of cats that look like a Siamese to the naked eye like a Tonkinese, Birman, or a Balinese all but the Birman have Siamese ancestors and look a bit like that breed but are not that breed.
Also some breeds have no tail.
A matter of fact very few out of the fifty different breeds, so that is one of the dead give away if you're trying to find out your cats origin or breed.
Also, sometimes it's the face some cats have a very fine short snout and that's another give away.
Its good to know your cats breed because you know where they came from, and where they are going.
Also, you get to learn about their unique abilities like with the Egyptian Mau we talked about earlier.
Also if you can tell your veterinarian what breed your cat might be it can sort out all kinds of things for your cat's medical history.
Knowing where your cat came from is not only a rewarding process it might help it live longer as well.
Some cat breeds you can tell apart just by looking, but others you can't.
I'll name off some of the more unusual older breeds Abyssinian, American Bobtail, Maine Coon, and a Bombay all of these cats were discovered around the 1950-1960 but some have been around centuries.
How to tell cat breed apart is very difficult because its base on color of the fur, eyes (sometimes), body structure, and how long the hair is.
Some cats might look all the same to us but they have a rich past and heritage in history.
Some breeds of cats are very old and unusual, but are also the very interesting and even more interesting looking like the Egyptian Mau is the fastest domestic breed of cat and can run at 30 miles per hour or more, and they are also presumed to be one of the original breeds of domestic cat.
So how do we understand and keep up with all these new changing cat breeds? Well you can look up and archive of cats just for fun or you can look at your cats characteristics and check, but one thing is for certain it will be very hard to keep up.
There are a lot of cat breeds out there and some are not recognized by the cat community yet but if you had to determine a breed of cat I'd say be very observant.
Sometimes you can never tell for example there are three types of cats that look like a Siamese to the naked eye like a Tonkinese, Birman, or a Balinese all but the Birman have Siamese ancestors and look a bit like that breed but are not that breed.
Also some breeds have no tail.
A matter of fact very few out of the fifty different breeds, so that is one of the dead give away if you're trying to find out your cats origin or breed.
Also, sometimes it's the face some cats have a very fine short snout and that's another give away.
Its good to know your cats breed because you know where they came from, and where they are going.
Also, you get to learn about their unique abilities like with the Egyptian Mau we talked about earlier.
Also if you can tell your veterinarian what breed your cat might be it can sort out all kinds of things for your cat's medical history.
Knowing where your cat came from is not only a rewarding process it might help it live longer as well.