So, You Are Getting Older
Welcome to the real world of getting old.
There is a difference, however, between getting old and growing old.
We all age - that's life - but none of us has to grow old.
We can hold on to the outlook, spirit, and attitudes of our younger years and our youth.
Youth is not a time, but a state of mind.
I know a great many people in their 20s and 30s who are old beyond their years, and I have also had the good fortune to know many people in their 80s and 90s with a youthful spirit and love of every moment.
Many people today are spending thousands of dollars to turn back the clock.
Good luck! Can't be done.
As one of life's senior citizens, I realize that I don't have the same energy, stamina or strength I did 30 or 40 years ago, but I do have the wisdom and understanding of all of those years due to mistakes in judgment and lessons learned.
There are many advantages to having been here for more than 50 or 60 years.
I can hear some of you now, "Oh, yeah.
What are they?"Well, you can get discounts at almost every business establishment in the country.
You have the freedom of time now to do what you want rather than what you must.
You have lots and lots of wonderful memories, and you may even have the joy of grandchildren.
As I look at my heroes, I can tell you that most of them didn't begin to make a difference or significant contribution until they hit their stride at 60, 70 or even 80.
I think of people like Norman Vincent Peale, Bob Hope and Mother Theresa.
You have a choice - you can accept the aging process with dignity, style and grace, or you can fight every passing day begrudging every new wrinkle, ache and lost opportunity.
Why not put this time to good use? Share your wisdom, insight, and understanding with today's youth or the less fortunate.
Why not give more back than you have taken from life?
There is a difference, however, between getting old and growing old.
We all age - that's life - but none of us has to grow old.
We can hold on to the outlook, spirit, and attitudes of our younger years and our youth.
Youth is not a time, but a state of mind.
I know a great many people in their 20s and 30s who are old beyond their years, and I have also had the good fortune to know many people in their 80s and 90s with a youthful spirit and love of every moment.
Many people today are spending thousands of dollars to turn back the clock.
Good luck! Can't be done.
As one of life's senior citizens, I realize that I don't have the same energy, stamina or strength I did 30 or 40 years ago, but I do have the wisdom and understanding of all of those years due to mistakes in judgment and lessons learned.
There are many advantages to having been here for more than 50 or 60 years.
I can hear some of you now, "Oh, yeah.
What are they?"Well, you can get discounts at almost every business establishment in the country.
You have the freedom of time now to do what you want rather than what you must.
You have lots and lots of wonderful memories, and you may even have the joy of grandchildren.
As I look at my heroes, I can tell you that most of them didn't begin to make a difference or significant contribution until they hit their stride at 60, 70 or even 80.
I think of people like Norman Vincent Peale, Bob Hope and Mother Theresa.
You have a choice - you can accept the aging process with dignity, style and grace, or you can fight every passing day begrudging every new wrinkle, ache and lost opportunity.
Why not put this time to good use? Share your wisdom, insight, and understanding with today's youth or the less fortunate.
Why not give more back than you have taken from life?