A Slide Show You Can be Proud Of
It's great fun to share your vacation photos with friends and relatives.
Of course, you can't show them all two hundred - it would take too long.
And what about those shots that didn't come out too well - you'll have to hide them.
Then there's the problem of having to look over someone's shoulder so you can see.
There's a better way for your guests to enjoy yourvacation pictures.
Just make a slide show and let everyone see them on your new LCD TV!A new software program is available from ArcSoft called Photobase 4.
In it you can delete any photos you don't want, arrange them in chronological order and adjust the time each image stays on the screen.
To make things more interesting you can choose some appropriate music and even time each selection to start and end with the right subject.
The nicest feature ofPhotoBase are the transitions from one image to the next.
Not satisfied with the usual fade-in/fade-out effect, ArcSoft came up with over thirty creative transitions straight out of Hollywood.
Even though the standard VCD makes a credibly sharp slide show, a recent patch allows you to use a DVD for the medium, creating the sharpest possible images for your LCD TV.
By the way, before installing the patch make sure all early editions of PhotoBase are uninstalled.
One capability I haven't explored inserts a short video between the photographs.
All kinds of interesting combinations of moving scenes and still images can make your slide show infinitely interesting.
Some caveats are recommended.
For instance, in choosing the number of images and music files, leave a little extra room for start up and transitions.
Additionally, you may want to extend the air time of images that are complicated orneed more time to enjoy at its fullest.
At the beginning of each chapter, you can create an appropriate title image, using the artistic effects available in most image editing software.
Ideally, a LightScribe disc incorporating one of your favorite images and laser burned in an HP computer will add a professional touch.
I'm sure your professionally looking presentation will be the hit of your party.
Of course, you can't show them all two hundred - it would take too long.
And what about those shots that didn't come out too well - you'll have to hide them.
Then there's the problem of having to look over someone's shoulder so you can see.
There's a better way for your guests to enjoy yourvacation pictures.
Just make a slide show and let everyone see them on your new LCD TV!A new software program is available from ArcSoft called Photobase 4.
In it you can delete any photos you don't want, arrange them in chronological order and adjust the time each image stays on the screen.
To make things more interesting you can choose some appropriate music and even time each selection to start and end with the right subject.
The nicest feature ofPhotoBase are the transitions from one image to the next.
Not satisfied with the usual fade-in/fade-out effect, ArcSoft came up with over thirty creative transitions straight out of Hollywood.
Even though the standard VCD makes a credibly sharp slide show, a recent patch allows you to use a DVD for the medium, creating the sharpest possible images for your LCD TV.
By the way, before installing the patch make sure all early editions of PhotoBase are uninstalled.
One capability I haven't explored inserts a short video between the photographs.
All kinds of interesting combinations of moving scenes and still images can make your slide show infinitely interesting.
Some caveats are recommended.
For instance, in choosing the number of images and music files, leave a little extra room for start up and transitions.
Additionally, you may want to extend the air time of images that are complicated orneed more time to enjoy at its fullest.
At the beginning of each chapter, you can create an appropriate title image, using the artistic effects available in most image editing software.
Ideally, a LightScribe disc incorporating one of your favorite images and laser burned in an HP computer will add a professional touch.
I'm sure your professionally looking presentation will be the hit of your party.