Spin and Class Warfare Failed This Time: There Were No Tax Cuts - Just Tax Rate Extensions
Where to begin with so much misrepresentation from those in congress, who have expanded entitlements and union demands, now trying to pin that on the rich who already pay an out of proportion share of the total burden.
__No Tax Cuts Were Proposed or Considered-Only Tax Hikes Were__ The Lame Duck Democrat controlled, congress wants to spend far beyond the revenues it will receive, but as always, wants more.
The Democrat Party is now controlled almost totally by those on the far left, who detest our system, that rewards achievement with no limit.
Ignoring the mandate America sent congress, to stop the spending madness, this profligate bunch ignored the message sent on Nov.
2nd right through the lame duck session.
A recent Gallup poll, showed the lowest ratings ever for a congress.
The Democrat spin has 3 major parts: The first--Referring to expiring tax rates as a tax cut (for the rich).
Not a single taxpayer in any of the 6 tax brackets is getting a cut of even 1 penny in the newly signed tax bill.
The second--Use of the word COST.
Democrats/Liberals hoped voters would buy into the idea that GOVERNMENT-rather than taxpayers-would incur a cost.
For this to happen, government would have to have its own money.
The liberal brain convinces itself that money belongs to government and that when government force does not succeed in spending and redistributing as much as liberal voters wanted it to, that money was taken from its rightful owner--the government.
The following is an example of liberal logic: A son in college gets $100 a month spending money, (plus all other expenses) paid by his parents.
He demands a $20 a month increase but doesn't get it.
He then tells friends his "costs" have increased $20, caused by his greedy parents.
Government is a parasite with no money of its own.
It receives revenues only from taxes paid by taxpayers.
It decides what and how much it will spend in various areas.
The third deception--The deficit will be increased by $700 billion if the rich are not subjected to a tax increase.
Whenever a Democrat congress votes to spend more than the revenue it receives, based on revenues it wants, but do not exist, it is engaged in deficit spending and increased debt, if the president signs it into law.
Republicans voted almost unanimously against any increase in any individual's tax rate.
_______A Tax Increase In a Sluggish Economy Could Actually_______ _____________ Reduce Government Revenues_____________ The Federal Reserve's latest projection holds that unemployment could be hovering near 9%, at the end of 2011.
Does anyone who is not a Democrat--targeting more of your money--believe that individuals and businesses forced to hand over 40% of earnings instead of 35%, will lead to more hiring, when the problem is that millions of businesses already don't have enough customers coming through their door, to meet expenses or to avoid layoffs.
Finally, the latest numbers from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) have recently been released.
They show that the top quintile pays 86.
0 of all income taxes and the two lowest quintiles pay no income taxes, instead those two actually receive 3.
3% of others' earnings paid of course by those up top.
The top 1% alone paid 38.
5 % of income taxes.
This data is on a CBO, PDF file that cannot be presented here.
The full presentation consists of 16 tables.
This data is on Table 7 The top quintile begins at $94,100 The lowest quintile has been paying no income taxes, and receiving them from others, since 1987.
The second lowest quintile, became non-payers, net receivers, in 2002.
The second highest quintile pays 12.
7% of income taxes, for a combined payment by the top 2 quintiles of 98.
The more the top two quintiles pay the nation's expenses, then in addition, pay over to the lowest 2 quintiles, the more Democrats rave in the angriest, most mean spirited, terms about "THE GREEDY RICH.
" Don't Buy Into The Spin About The Poor Paying More Than The Rich In Payroll Taxes The top quintile paid more than the three lowest quintiles combined in Social Security and Medicare taxes.
Top 1% paid 42.
Bottom 3 quintiles paid 32.
See Table 8 in the CBO file referenced above.
The Democrat Party has become a party based almost solely on one goal, which is to redistribute every penny it can get its hands on from those who earn that money, to those who do not earn it in any way.
Besides its fierce fight to increase tax rates on upper income earners, liberals are seething with anger over not being able to tax estates for additional millions, even though these estates have already paid taxes all their lives on this same income.
The word "hate" is not an exaggeration describing liberals' feelings toward those, who they have decided have "too much.
" The suggestion by some in congress that most individuals affected by the estate tax, contributed nothing to the estate being turned over to them and are just a bunch of fat cats, is pure nonsense.
Many of these are businesses that would have to sell the estate just to pay the estate tax due, to say nothing of the fact a second tax like this was the very thing the Constitution intended to severely limit.
The wealth earned and accumulated by others from a lifetime of hard work is coveted so profusely by these redistributionists, they went on TV all over America, shouting at the top of their lungs how important it is to tax estates at the highest rate possible-a whopping 55%-that which parents have worked for all their lives, paid taxes on all their lives and now would like to pass on to their children.
Democrats loathe the results of competition.
It prevents them from imposing their "forced outcomes" agenda, on America.
__No Tax Cuts Were Proposed or Considered-Only Tax Hikes Were__ The Lame Duck Democrat controlled, congress wants to spend far beyond the revenues it will receive, but as always, wants more.
The Democrat Party is now controlled almost totally by those on the far left, who detest our system, that rewards achievement with no limit.
Ignoring the mandate America sent congress, to stop the spending madness, this profligate bunch ignored the message sent on Nov.
2nd right through the lame duck session.
A recent Gallup poll, showed the lowest ratings ever for a congress.
The Democrat spin has 3 major parts: The first--Referring to expiring tax rates as a tax cut (for the rich).
Not a single taxpayer in any of the 6 tax brackets is getting a cut of even 1 penny in the newly signed tax bill.
The second--Use of the word COST.
Democrats/Liberals hoped voters would buy into the idea that GOVERNMENT-rather than taxpayers-would incur a cost.
For this to happen, government would have to have its own money.
The liberal brain convinces itself that money belongs to government and that when government force does not succeed in spending and redistributing as much as liberal voters wanted it to, that money was taken from its rightful owner--the government.
The following is an example of liberal logic: A son in college gets $100 a month spending money, (plus all other expenses) paid by his parents.
He demands a $20 a month increase but doesn't get it.
He then tells friends his "costs" have increased $20, caused by his greedy parents.
Government is a parasite with no money of its own.
It receives revenues only from taxes paid by taxpayers.
It decides what and how much it will spend in various areas.
The third deception--The deficit will be increased by $700 billion if the rich are not subjected to a tax increase.
Whenever a Democrat congress votes to spend more than the revenue it receives, based on revenues it wants, but do not exist, it is engaged in deficit spending and increased debt, if the president signs it into law.
Republicans voted almost unanimously against any increase in any individual's tax rate.
_______A Tax Increase In a Sluggish Economy Could Actually_______ _____________ Reduce Government Revenues_____________ The Federal Reserve's latest projection holds that unemployment could be hovering near 9%, at the end of 2011.
Does anyone who is not a Democrat--targeting more of your money--believe that individuals and businesses forced to hand over 40% of earnings instead of 35%, will lead to more hiring, when the problem is that millions of businesses already don't have enough customers coming through their door, to meet expenses or to avoid layoffs.
Finally, the latest numbers from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) have recently been released.
They show that the top quintile pays 86.
0 of all income taxes and the two lowest quintiles pay no income taxes, instead those two actually receive 3.
3% of others' earnings paid of course by those up top.
The top 1% alone paid 38.
5 % of income taxes.
This data is on a CBO, PDF file that cannot be presented here.
The full presentation consists of 16 tables.
This data is on Table 7 The top quintile begins at $94,100 The lowest quintile has been paying no income taxes, and receiving them from others, since 1987.
The second lowest quintile, became non-payers, net receivers, in 2002.
The second highest quintile pays 12.
7% of income taxes, for a combined payment by the top 2 quintiles of 98.
The more the top two quintiles pay the nation's expenses, then in addition, pay over to the lowest 2 quintiles, the more Democrats rave in the angriest, most mean spirited, terms about "THE GREEDY RICH.
" Don't Buy Into The Spin About The Poor Paying More Than The Rich In Payroll Taxes The top quintile paid more than the three lowest quintiles combined in Social Security and Medicare taxes.
Top 1% paid 42.
Bottom 3 quintiles paid 32.
See Table 8 in the CBO file referenced above.
The Democrat Party has become a party based almost solely on one goal, which is to redistribute every penny it can get its hands on from those who earn that money, to those who do not earn it in any way.
Besides its fierce fight to increase tax rates on upper income earners, liberals are seething with anger over not being able to tax estates for additional millions, even though these estates have already paid taxes all their lives on this same income.
The word "hate" is not an exaggeration describing liberals' feelings toward those, who they have decided have "too much.
" The suggestion by some in congress that most individuals affected by the estate tax, contributed nothing to the estate being turned over to them and are just a bunch of fat cats, is pure nonsense.
Many of these are businesses that would have to sell the estate just to pay the estate tax due, to say nothing of the fact a second tax like this was the very thing the Constitution intended to severely limit.
The wealth earned and accumulated by others from a lifetime of hard work is coveted so profusely by these redistributionists, they went on TV all over America, shouting at the top of their lungs how important it is to tax estates at the highest rate possible-a whopping 55%-that which parents have worked for all their lives, paid taxes on all their lives and now would like to pass on to their children.
Democrats loathe the results of competition.
It prevents them from imposing their "forced outcomes" agenda, on America.